Revised 4-Room HDB Renovation Ideas


It has been quite some time since I gave updates on my resale flat renovation.
We have revisited our home-to-be this morning together with our contractor and was pretty disappointed that our house was not as spacious as I imagined it to be 🙁

Life is always full of unexpected stuff and we just have to take them by our stride and adapt accordingly 🙂
You might be interested to read my previous musings on my housing journey if you have missed them earlier:

Entire House

As only the Master Bedroom and one other Common Room has air-cons, we intend to run the air-con pipes for entire house in case we need to install air-cons in other rooms as well.

Master Bedroom

How our Master Bedroom looks like

Yes! I am so going to hack off that wardrobe!!! Dislike the yellow wardrobe door and that orangey wooden doors. And away with that dressing table in the indented wall over at the corner!
I have intended to do a platform storage by the window like the picture below so that I can sit by the window and dry my hair and paint my face with skincare (I know it sounds eerie but I buy that idea OK?). However, my window area has an indent underneath which we did not realise until we revisit the house again and that portion is a wasted space which can be converted into a storage cabinet.
However that height is simply too tall to function as my ‘bench’. HAIX. So there goes my dresser by the window concept LOH!

Bye Bye Storage Bench besides window idea ~~ T.T

I am thinking to do a customised cabinet under the window which connects all the way to the dressing table area.

Then, do the platform storage at the dressing table area for me to sit down with side open shelves to store my hairdryer and skincare 🙂

Hence this solves the problem right?!

My idea for accessories cabinet.. With glass top (not necessary have to be compartmentalised) to display my jewellery and accessories 🙂

 Also, I was thinking of converting the window cabinet to have flat drawers with glass top to display my jewellery…

Chest of Drawers

Chest of Drawers (SGD269)

Yes I am so obsessed with this piece of furniture from IKEA.
Will want to use it to store my lingerie and pyjamas 🙂
Thinking of placing it at the wall under the air-con unit.
Perhaps I should replace that matching mirror with our wedding photograph? LOL.


I intend to replace our bedroom doors to something classy like the picture above.

Wardrobe Design

Gone were those days when I fantasised about walk-in wardrobes like those in boutique shops.
It is not practical to have on in HDB and I might go cranky if my clothing get attacked by mildew and mould due to Singapore’s humid weather.
I want a wardrobe with sliding doors now ~~

I like how the parquet floor is still preserved even with the wardrobe.

Idea from IKEA 🙂 Love the pull out drawers.. Can use that to store scarves and misc items but I would like more area to hang my dresses and skirts.

Railings to hang Sweetie Muffin’s pants

Full-Length Mirror that can be conveniently tucked away in the wardrobe

Belt Hanger

Bed Ideas

Our room is too small to squeeze TWO bedside tables. So I was wondering if we can squeeze a wall cabinet (for my handbags) cum bedside table like the picture below.
I can charge my phone, and place my laptop there as well 🙂

As for bed frame, we are pretty undecided.
My original intention was country style with nice solid wood bed frame. However country style is a budget burster. Hence we might just make do with modern contemporary style instead.
My idea of cosiness is that of a hotel room – minimalistic and yet elegant.
Bill recommended us to consider the Divan Bed base with a high headboard.
I was actually pretty in for that idea as I adored that idea when I watched the American Youtubers do their room tours.
I think Sweetie Muffin would say a BIG ‘NO’ for that princesscy headboard.

Master Bathroom

How my actual bathroom looks like

My Dream Bathroom Design Idea (Flopped)

1. Vanity Counter

I had wanted a spacious vanity counter with side wall shelves to store my toiletries.
However the space provided is too narrow to squeeze in a side shelf.

2. Wasted Space

Just come to realise that there is wasted space on the right of the toilet bowl. We CANNOT shift the position of the toilet bowl to accommodate my vanity counter so that space at the right is WASTED.ARGH stupid toilet bowl – why are you located in the middle of nowhere?!

3. Wall behind toilet bowl

That wall can be hacked. (*Update: The wall CANNOT be hacked because it forms part of a pillar. The contractor found out about it after he hacked a corner of the wall and had to patch it back with cement.) But can we shift the toilet bowl backwards to make it more spacious? Doubt so.. ARGH!!

My Revised Idea

Yes, my ‘patterns’ are always more than ‘badminton’ as quoted from Sweetie Muffin. I think he had enough my my suggestions although my brain is still generating different ideas ~~
So I have racked my brains and shrunk my ‘dream’ a little to the below layouts.

Layout 1

This is the proposed layout by our contractor – Bill.

However, the sink area is really very pathetic loh. To have more countertop area, I think we need to have a protruding bowl like wash basin.

I like the idea of building an additional wall at the shower area with indents (or holes) to put our shower gel, shampoo etc.

Storage space wise is still OK because we can have the mirrored cabinet which extends horizontally from above the sink to the toilet bowl and hence you will have more storage.
But… I still prefer to place my regularly used toiletries on the countertop because I dislike the hassle of opening the cabinet doors every time I need to brush my teeth / wash my face. Functionality wise is not as good.

Moreover, I hate it when there are fingerprints on the mirrors.

In order to solve this problem, perhaps we should do an open shelf above the toilet bowl instead like the picture below and maintain the wall behind the toile bowl to act as extra space for my countertop?Currently, this seems to be the best solution under Layout 1.

Creating storage around WC area

Layout 2 (Shrink Shower Area)

Wonder if this is feasible if I ‘eat’ into the shower area – will that create more space for my vanity counter?? I am vain ~~ I want a huge counter top!!! But don’t think Layout 2 will help much in space creation…

Does this layout create more room for my vanity counter if the shower area is hexagonal in shape?

Layout 3 (Sink on the Right)

Don’t think it is feasible to squeeze the basin on the right?
If can do it horizontally, my countertop will have enough space to accommodate my toiletries!! Moreover, I can have a wider piece of mirror to see myself and have an expanded shower area too!
But I like the shower area design – wall indents created to put shower gel etc…

We can even have a tall side cabinet if we have our sink placed on the side…

Moreover, if the countertop area cannot be wide enough, we can incorporate the idea below with the sink protruding out from the sides.. *Helplessness*

Narrow countertop with huge basin

Colour Scheme

I like this warm and nice feeling ~~~
And the wall tiles which looks like cobberstones – wonder how much is that..


How our Kitchen looks like
My Proposed Layout

We initially thought of just hacking that wall with the ‘window’ and perhaps replace the ugly cabinet doors to save cost.

However we were told that hacking the wall would affect the cabinets behind that wall and hence we might as well hack off and redo the ugly cabinets. *HOORAY!!!*

Kitchen Layout

My ideal layout is something like below – the L shape is still maintained but I want to shift my basin to the island facing the dining area – so that I can wash dishes and watch TV at the same time.

Then I want cabinets mounted near the laundry area to house my oven and microwave.

Sweetie’s Muffin intention of having the island is to have bar top to house additional guests..

My idea is to have a sink there so I can watch TV whilst doing dishes.

Hence the combination is to have a larger island like below…

Design 1: Level Island with sink

Pros of having the same level island is that it is shortie friendly. No offence because I am not very tall and I find it a challenge to climb up the elevated bar stools. It is children and old folks friendly as well. Moreover, you have additional surface area to prep your food!

Design 2: Elevated Bar Top with sink below
This looks aesthetically better as there is a partition between food preparation area and the sink and also the area for your guests to sit by the counter. Looks more like a bar counter in this instance.
The pro is that water will not splash on the bar top whilst washing as compared to Design 1.
For the basin material, I am not into stainless steel. Would want something matte like the picture below. Reason being is that this is more durable and scratch-resistant. Easy maintenance too 🙂

Granite / Quartz Sink

Also, I want to erect a pantry cabinet opposite the stove (i.e. the fridge area) for extra storage.


Colour Scheme for Kitchen

Would propose to have wood laminates on the cabinet doors with light coloured granite top with backsplash.

Living and Dining Area


Nothing much has changed since my last update at besides having my proposal for Eubiq tracks rejected by Sweetie Muffin earlier due to budget constraints *MEH*

We want to erect a false wall to function as TV console at one side and shoe cabinet on the other.

Oh we will be replacing our door to something which looks aesthetically better and functional and do away with the iron gates. Have always wanted to go keyless anyway ~ That will free our bags of the extra weight of metal *LOL*

A sturdy door with digital lock
Source: Xiaxue’s Blog

We will be considering to knock down the cornice at the living and dining area and replace it with something more simple instead. Also, adjustments need to be made to my ‘fake’ wall as it might appear too thick if I want to incorporate the entry way shoe cabinets – food for thought.

Will be updating my blog on my House to Home transformation progress when I have time to do so.


Hence do not be too discouraged when you face with disappointments and unexpected things because you might still benefit from them instead.

Until Next Time 🙂

**Image Credits: Google Images

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photo rabbit1.gif

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