W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner Review

W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner helps you bid your Blackheads Goodbye {Advertorial}


lackheads can be the bane in some of our lives. They infest our nose like a disease and removing them can be so tedious. Using pore strips and peel-off masks prove to be ineffective for my case as I have sensitive skin and the peeling action simply irritates my skin and make it itch really badly. Moreover they do not adhere 100% of my blackheads as I can still see remaining ones trapped on my pathetic strawberry nose. As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than Cure” – hence W.Lab has come up with their W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner to help troubled people like us to inhibit the growth of blackheads by using the cleaner on a regular basis.

I got mine from Althea Korea, an online portal which sells Korean Beauty Products and cosmetics at discounted prices. Do check them out if you happen to be a fan of Korean products!

Althea Korea 

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Buy Black Kill Pore Cleaner HERE


W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner – First Glance

W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner Review
W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner (SGD20)
The W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner comes in an opaque black packaging and I think most of us might mistake it as a manly product at first glance – nowhere fanciful but very minimalistic.
It contains 51% Seawater collected from deep ocean and contains minerals to help our pores discharge waste. Also, it is enriched with charcoal which helps to further absorb excessive seabum and waste to maintain optimum pore health.
W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner Review
The W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner comes with a silicon bristled applicator tip and a pump at the side to pump the product out. The applicator tip can be easily detached for cleaning.

How To Use the W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner

Below graphics are a courtesy of Althea Korea – you may read more about the product at their portal.
How to use W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner
If its the first time you are using the product, you need to press more than 30 times to get the contents to come out as the bottle is vacuum-filled at first. The content gets extracted within the first pump for subsequent uses.


How to use W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner
Simply apply the product on oil-prone areas of your face and give it a good massage for about 1 minute before rinsing it off with Warm Water. You will feel a refreshing minty sensation after application.


How to use W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner
For hygiene purposes, it is highly recommended for you to clean the silicon brush applicator after every use.
W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner Ingredients
Ingredients Label
Oh yes, do read up their ingredients label to see if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed before you decide to purchase it.


✔ Easy to use – only takes 1 minute VS using pore strips which can take 15 minutes
✔ Hygienic – applicator tip is made of silicon and can be detached for cleaning
✔ Gentle to skin as the silicon bristles are soft and not too abrasive to the skin
✔ Effective for deep-cleansing
✔ Skin is less prone to oil after usage
✔ Not only helps to reduce blackheads, but also helps to reduce clogging in our pores caused by fine dust, sebum and waste
✔ Helps to tighten and minimise pores


Packaging is opaque – it is hard to see how much product you are left with
Labels are in Korean as the product is directly imported from Korea – need to refer to Althea Korea‘s portal for more information
Pressing the pump results in the product from squirting out from the applicator tip and it can produce some mess if it gets squirt out too far

Results After First Use

W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner Review - Before & After Comparison
Before VS After – click image to enlarge at your own risk as it looks really GROSS

  My skin tone is significantly lightened after the first use of W.Lab Black Kill Pore Cleaner and my pores have shrunk a fair bit.

However some blackheads are still stuck on my nose and I believe that they can be reduced in no time with prolonged usage.


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