CHICKEN MCNUGGETS - You made my blood BOIL


Dear Chicken McNuggets

 I did not write this post to review you as a dish served by McDonalds’. I have no intention to do so because I never liked Chicken McNuggets in the first place.

 Chicken McNuggets, you jolly well know that I had been looking forward to attending the seminar with you tonight at 7.30pm. I have been telling you about it since weeks ago – even sent you the schedule. However, you did not pay attention to it or disregard it AS USUAL.

 Then this afternoon, we agreed to meet at your office for dinner since the venue is located nearer your office. At 5.30pm (15 minutes before I knock off), you suddenly messaged me for a change in meet-up location to PS because you forgot to bank in the cheques to your beloved friend. FINE.

 I acknowledged your message and replied that we shall meet at PS at 5.47pm straight after I saw it. I reached PS at 6pm BUT YOU WERE STILL IN YOUR OFFICE on the pretext that you were waiting for my response. Chicken McNuggets, if you need to bank in cheques (because you regard that as the top priority over my seminar), you have to depart earlier to PS to do so and standby for my acknowledgement. If I did not read your stupid message, then why not give me a ring? LAME excuse to say that you are waiting for my response and you chose to rot in your office based on that. FINE, forget it – I might be at fault for missing out that message because M1’s reception is like shit.

Next, I waited for you @ McD for 10 minutes and you ordered me to help you purchase CHICKEN MCNUGGETS MEAL. I told you I HATE nuggets. BUT you said you would not eat if there are no nuggets. Fine, I topped up a total of SGD1.25 for an upsized CHICKEN MCNUGGETS MEAL after using my SGD5 Extra Value Meal Coupon. Great, I still have to wait for your grand arrival.

LINE STICKER: Brown and Cony (Free)

Then if you guys happen to be at McD this evening, you would have realised something bad had happened. The false ceiling at one corner started leaking and pouring out some black liquid substance which looked like shit. At first, it splattered onto one innocent guy at one corner. After witnessing that, we continued eating but the ‘flooding’ worsened and the second guy along that row got implicated too. We were seated in the middle. The lights and electricity of the restaurant got blown out due to the flood. The false ceilings were interconnected somehow…

 Guys, when you see the first huge wave, you might have dismissed it as something amazing. Then, if you see the next wave, would you flee for your life or continue to stay and take photos thinking that tsunami will not hit our sunny island? OK, I am more paranoid so I chose to flee with my french fries whilst Chicken McNuggets thought that it was OK to stay there and wait for tsunami to soak him wet. He followed suit because he was pressurised by my sudden departure – I have my life white dress to preserve ok?

LINE STICKER: Brown and Cony (Free)
Finally, Chicken McNuggets could feel the dark cloud glooming over my head but was still CLUELESS of why am I so damn pissed. He assured me that we will make it to the seminar on time if we take the MRT to Eunos. In fact the venue was @ Adam Road, NOT near Eunos. Great, not only have you not paid attention, I think your heart is never here in the first place Chicken McNuggets!


 Then at the bus stop, you had so much time identifying the girl standing next to us eating llaollao. as your ex-colleague but did not realise that we were waiting at the WRONG bus stop. You ultra power. Oh yeah, you finally sensed my displeasure and offered to treat me to llaollao. Don’t you know that I am trying super hard to abstain from it because it is making me FAT? I have been eating llaollao. non-stop for the past month because I was worried over personal stuff and partially because of your Chicken McNugget-ness.


LINE Characters: All the Love (100 Coins): The LINE Characters are back and more animated than you've ever seen them before! Use these moving stickers to bring even more emotions to your chats!

So, we got onto the bus and it started to rain. You were coughing behind me (thanks to drinking the bulk of the iced green tea earlier) and annoying me throughout the journey.

LINE Characters: All the Love (100 Coins): The LINE Characters are back and more animated than you've ever seen them before! Use these moving stickers to bring even more emotions to your chats!

Shucks, Chicken McNuggets, you didn’t bring an umbrella out AS UAUAL – you will turn soggy because you will be drenched in the rain this time round. Luckily, the rain subsided into drizzles. I really am speechless why my day was ruined by Chicken McNuggets.

 Now I need to cool down after I have vented and ranted on my blog (sorry readers, I am boring you down with my Chicken McNuggets episode) as it is stupid getting so angry over a box of Chicken McNuggets.

 I hope you wouldn’t flip whenever you order Chicken McNuggets at McD’s. However, do think thrice before ordering that because it might be a potential cause as to why you start behaving like Chicken McNuggets.

 Good night, and its time for me to shut down too. Soo drained after getting my blood boiled over and over again. Geez!

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