Buffet Caterer Review: CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Caterer Name: CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Event: D'n'J Holy Matrimony (Church Wedding)

Food: ♥/5
Pricing: Starts from S$18+++ per pax; Min 200 Pax
Buffet Spread: ♥♥/5
Service: ♥♥/5
Location: 1 Senoko Avenue #03-05, FoodAxis @ Senoko, Singapore 758297

Before you read this review, if you are a LINE Messenger User, please proceed to Sticker Shop and purchase this set of stickers -- "Pray for the Philippines" (Cost: S$1.28). It doesn't cost much to give out of our abundance to bless and bring some comfort to those Typhoon Victims who have lost their homes and loved ones overnight...

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Yeah! Da Rabbit is attending another wedding!!!

You know what that means?? This means opportunity to research and gather information and ideas for Da Rabbit!! Da Rabbit is obsessed with weddings and she believes that every lady dreams to have a perfect wedding although nothing in this world is perfect, sadly :(

So Da Rabbit has attended the holy matrimony of D'n'J last Sunday and have gathered new ideas for her dream wedding scheduled in 2015 with Sweetie Muffin 

Here are some photos taken from Da Wedding:

Le' Reception Area



Le' Ang Pow Collection Box

Church Hall n Floral Decorations

Bouquets of red flowers were tied onto each pew 

Red Flowers



Here comes the beautiful bride!! We ♥ her gown ~

Here comes the Bride

OK, without further ado, lets review on the buffet lunch catered by CJS Catering Pte Ltd.

Le' Namecard

It is a halal certified caterer - hence it is suitable for your Muslim Guests  ~

Le' Setup

The place was nicely setup with a few zones for roasting NZ Lamb, Assorted Pastries, Nyonya Laksa, Satay and Hot Buffet Dishes.

Wedding Buffet

Chef is Roasting the NZ Lamb Leg...

Well, that was the first dish which Da Rabbit has smelt when she arrived at the buffet lunch venue. The smell of burnt lamb carcass was overwhelming and definitely not that appetising as lamb has a strong smell. So, in Da Rabbit's opinion, not many people would enjoy eating mutton and hence having that might be a double edged sword - it can either attract positive attention, or drive your guests crazy with that stench aroma.

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

The Malay Foodie Corner

As you can see, Da Rabbit dislikes the RED brolly in the picture. It doesn't make sense to have such an ugly Starbucks Style brolly indoors. It doesn't really improve the atmosphere anyways.. Rather, Da Rabbit would prefer to see the traditional Satay Man barbecuing the Satays using a fan.

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Yes, doesn't this look more authentic? By the way, this is the type of fan that my grandma used and it really produces a good source of wind ♥~~~

Le' Counter for Desserts and Starters...

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Le' Hot Buffet Spread

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Le' Crowd

The crowd was too overwhelming that Da Rabbit has to wait approximately 10 minutes in the queue for her turn to get some food :(

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Le' Food

OK, as explained above, the crowd was overwhelming and hence Da Rabbit only managed to get to sample a few dishes from the huge variety of buffet spread sadly :(

Assorted Miniature Pastries

The cakes looked vibrant and colourful. They tasted average.

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Close-Up on the appetisers...

The Thai Mango Salad was pretty appetising :)

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Fruit Tartlets

The fruit tartlets tasted so-so. Da Rabbit has tasted better ones though.. But they are still edible...

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Chinese Cold Platter

Really tasted so-so only. Not up to Da Rabbit's expectations although they looked great on the plate :(

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Malay Satay

Nothing amusing. Lacks flavour. 

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

YAY! Finally it's gonna be Da Rabbit's turn!!!!!

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Baked Olive and Seafood Fried Rice

The rice was the first in the chain... It tasted very hard and dry :( Too dry for ingestion...

Poached Fish "Mornay"

This was the KILLER dish. It literally killed Da Rabbit. The creamy sauce was pretty cold when served due to the long queue. When this piece of fish went into Da Rabbit's mouth, the creamy sauce + fish combo flipped in her stomach which turned her almost green. It tasted cold, soggy, slimy and ultra YUCKY :( OK, Da Rabbit never really likes to eat fish anyways, but this dish is really yucky in Da Rabbit's opinion...

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Other dishes from the Hot Buffet Spread

Mostly meat... And the meat taste is OVERWHELMING. Rabbits are supposed to be herbivores.. 

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Roast NZ Lamb Leg with Mint Sauce

As mentioned earlier, Da Rabbit highlighted that the smell from the roasted carcass was overbearing and hence she had no desire to try that dish at all. But.. her brother - Da Piggy have obtained a small portion of that dish to try...

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Da Rabbit has tried a little of the dish and felt that the mint sauce drove away the 'lame' smell from the lamb mutton totally! The meat was a little stiff and dry (as it has been roasted for a long, long time) but the sauce salvaged the entire taste. Da Rabbit wouldn't say it tasted heavenly, but at least it tasted more refreshing than the other dishes which proved to be a disappointment...

Close-Up on the roasted lamb

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

Nyonya Laksa

Again, Da Piggy has queued for the Nyoya Laksa whilst Da Rabbit was busy snapping photos for her muses.. What a good and faithful servant!! We do have excellent teamwork going on here!! ♥

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

The Laksa gravy tasted plain as it lacks the coconut fragrance. Overall, its still one of the better dishes..

Da Piggy savouring his Laksa

Oh yes, Da Piggy has decided to follow Da Rabbit's footsteps and have decided to grunt muse about his foodie finds as well. Please do support him at his blog (still under some major contents overhaul currently) at:

Thai Chendol

Another optional dessert from the buffet package - Thai Chendol.

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

The Thai Chendol had a very strong coconut taste and was very sweet. But Da Rabbit has sweet tooth, so it is still not too bad.. But.. The most terrible thing was...

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

The strips of grass jelly / ingredients got tangled and glued together to form a huge lumpy mess! The texture definitely do not taste good - swallowing a lump of slimy substance down your throat. YUCKS! Guess the chendol served in normal food courts should taste better though...

CJS Catering Pte Ltd

After having tasted too much foodies, Da Rabbit has decided to rinse her mouth with the drinks provided - Pink Guava Cordial. The drink was diluted - but who cares? Da Rabbit doesn't mind rinsing her mouth with plain water aniwaes.

CJS Catering Pte Ltd


The buffet spread was good with some WOW factors like having a chef at the corner roasting lamb meat and polluting the area with soot and smoke and stench (sorry, but no offence intended here). Da Rabbit dreads giving negative reviews especially towards her childhood friends' wedding caterer but well, honesty has a price ain't it?

The moral of the story is that nothing in this world is perfect. Our tastebuds function very differently. One man's delicacy can be the poison of another man's and it so proven that the dishes served were Da Rabbit's poison. Never mind, at least there is one caterer being strike off Da Rabbit's list and one less hassle ^^ 


Ending off Le' Wedding episode with some selfies ♥

Le' Co-ordination of Da Day

Da Rabbit chose to wear a light pink dress with pearls collar with a pair of matching burgundy pumps. And she stole a bouquet of flowers from Da Wedding Scene...

Bouquet Ferragamo Pink Dress

Da Piggy - Da Rabbit's best partner in crime.

He helped Da Rabbit a lot in grabbing the foodie. Da Rabbit might not be able to taste most of the foodies and snap as many photos without Da Piggy's help!

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