EYE CARE? I CARE!! - Tips to get healthy, sparkling eyes (For those wearing Contact Lenses n Makeup)

Our EYES are the WINDOWS to our SOUL

Our eyes do speak and sometimes do provide others with glimpses into our inner thoughts and feelings. Sometimes our emotions are easily reflected from our gaze – be it anxiety, fear, happiness or weariness. 

To the most of us,  having a pair of eyes that sparkle with confidence are the most alluring. As much as an alluring pair of eyes are desirable, obtaining and maintaining your beautiful “jewels” definitely requires some effort. 

Since our schooling days, we were told by our teachers to stare at green patches of grass to promote good eyesight and to give our eyes a break after staring at our textbooks / computers / televisions for too long etc.. I shall not elaborate too much on the boring theory stuff..

I DID NOT bother to follow them because I was so addicted to television dramas that I was BESPECTACLED at the age of 12. 

During those days.. I thought:

“Wearing a pair of spectacles is COOL and the best Proof of being a Grown-Up”

I bet most of us were excited when we first had our first pair of glasses prescribed to us the moment we were diagnosed with Myopia. 

But after some time, I felt:

“Wearing Glasses is a CHORE and the FUGLIEST thing on earth”

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People’s thinking do change but MYOPIA is a scary disease. Once you’ve contracted it, it’ll HAUNT you FOR LIFE (unless you do lasik, which Da Rabbit so feared after watching Final Destination). 

The Cons of wearing glasses:

  • Your glasses can be blurred by fingerprints, dust and raindrops! 
  • You get ultra irritated by the condensation effect whenever you leave an air-conditioned place
  • Your ears and nose might hurt if your frames are too heavy / pressing too hard against your skin
  • They make you look ultra nerdy
  • They reflect light whenever you take photos with the camera flash on
  • Your eyes look more beady when wearing glasses
  • It blocks your “eye power” especially when you are trying to charm a cute guy 
  • You’ll lose your self-esteem when people start calling you nicknames like “Bespectacled Toad”
So as a vain Rabbit, I started wearing contact lens to regain my self-confidence. However, contact lenses are never fool-proof and have their disadvantages too:
  • Your eyes feel dry more easily and you might need eyedrops to soothe your eyes
  • Maintenance is higher than glasses as you must buy contact lens solution (in the past, you have to buy protein remover tablet and ‘soap’ to clean your contacts before soaking them in saline.. but thank goodness there is multi-purpose solution now to resolve this troublesome issue)
  • Your eyes feel very irritated especially when particles like dust gets into your eyes or when there is a crack in your contact lens due to mishandling 
  • Wearing contacts is an acquired skill – I used to take half an hour to poke those lens into my eyes and another half an hour to remove them
  • Wearing contacts increase the chances of contracting eye infections 
  • For those who loves wearing eye makeup, it will be a nightmare if particles from your eyeshadow or contents of your eyeshadow / eyeliner gets into your eyes
After almost acquiring about a decade of experience in wearing contacts, I would like to recommend a few tips on contact lens wearing.

Choosing the right Contacts

I strongly recommend you guys to get a pair of disposable contacts for hygiene reasons and extra comfort. Disposable lenses are normally thinner than the permanent ones and hence are more comfortable (you will not feel the contacts in your eyes whenever you blink that often). 
However, not many people are suitable to wear disposable contacts as the sizes are pretty standard and your eyeball might not have the right size and curvature to suit a particular brand. Da Rabbit has found that the Acuvue Oyasis lens are the most comfy as she has astigmatism too *thanks to Mediacorp TV*

Cleanse your lens throughly after wearing

Yes. There will be protein build-up on your lens after a long day’s wear. If you are not wearing daily disposables, then you definitely must take reasonable actions to ensure that the build-up on your lens surface is eliminated after you wear them to prevent irritation and infection during your next use. 
If you are lazy to rub your lens with the multi-purpose solution, you might want to try this Holy Grail product for lazy contact lens wearers — AO SEPT Plus. After using so many different brands of multi-purpose solutions, I must admit that AO SEPT Plus is the BEST I have ever used. My contacts felt as good as new every time I wear them over and over again!

“Deep Cleansing for COMFORT that LASTS ~ AO SEPT Plus’ Slogan

This amazing magic potion cleans and disinfects contact lenses including silicone hydrogels. And, the best part is that the entire process is EFFORTLESS! You do not need to rub your contact lenses before soaking them into this solution. All you need to do is to remove your lenses and place it in their special casing filled with the solution provided and let the powerful solution do its job by itself. 
This is how my AOSEPT PLUS looks like



It comes with the special casing. 


#1 Remove the lid from the casing and pour the AO SEPT PLUS solution into the bottle till it reaches the mark (there is a guideline on the bottle to indicate the volume of solution to pour)


The lid is attached to a “cage” for you to place your contact lenses in. There is a huge letter “L” indicated on one side of the “cage” to identify the Left side of the lens. 


#2 Place your contact lens into the “cage” 


#3 Screw the lids tight onto the bottle filled with solution


And… Look forward for the MAGIC SHOW to start..

Watch how fizzy it goes! So amusing ♥♥~ This is like the ‘Washing Machine’ for our contacts.. LOL

Tips for those who frequently wear makeup on your eyes..

Please do ensure that you remove your makeup throughly from your eyes and face before going to bed. We all know that it is bad to sleep with your cosmetics on as your skin cannot breathe and hence you will be prone to breakouts. However, it is not so feasible to remove your eye makeup throughly especially for those who wear heavy makeup on the eye area i.e. waterproof mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow. There might be traces of makeup left on your eyes – this can be observed when you wake up the next morning.. Your eye shit dirt will look black..

This problem can be resolved if you give your eyes a good eye bath 🙂 An eye bath not only removes the debris build-up in your eyes, but can soothe your tired eyes by giving it a good ‘massage’ too!

Just swirl the eye bath mixture over your eyes and you will feel hyper refreshed afterwards! ^^

Enjoy and do take good care of your eyes ladies ♥~ 

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