Our Journey of Love ~ Looking Back…
Before we commence on this arduous journey, I would like to do some reflections on the past ~ reminisce about the memories which we have shared in the past, be it sweet or sour.
How We Started ~ First Meeting on 14 February 2012
We were introduced to each other by our Mutual Friend – Wai Chong. Now our relationship is slightly complicated. WC was Sweetie Muffin’s schoolmate back in University and he is a colleague of one of my ex-colleague. I was first introduced to WC in a casual gathering with my ex-colleague and we became good friends afterwards.I think it was beautiful that I first met Sweetie Muffin on Valentine’s Day in 2012. I somehow initiated this meeting as I was complaining to WC that spending V Day alone as Singles is boring and hence we decided to enjoy our night after work as singles.
WC did mention that he had invited his friend along to introduce to us and I was open to the idea – anyway it ain’t any matchmaking session, just a casual catch-up. I invited Prince William along at my end in the hope of introducing him to our mutual friend – Yong En.
As we were all working in the Central area, we arranged to have dinner @ Ichiban Boshi in Plaza Singapura.
I was pretty surprised that Muffin presented us ladies a stalk of rose each upon our first meeting ~ felt like the doings of some playboy.. At that time, we addressed Sweetie Muffin by his Christian name – Griffin, of course!
So after dinner, we went to chill-out at Old School Timbre nearby. Griffin drove us there and we chatted there for a while. But my first impressions on Griffin ain’t good – mainly because he doesn’t look like the Prince Charming in my dreams. But well, dreams are fictitious 🙁
Now to reflect back why my first impression about Griffin ain’t good – probably that was because he was wearing the hideous black “Waffle” shirt with 3D tiny cubes which formed a huge grid. I dislike the design of that shirt a lot, but he still wears it till today.. I couldn’t explain why, it was just plain HATE at first sight, just like how people cannot stand the sound of a fork scratching against the plate. Meh~
Anyway, soon after the drinks etc, Griffin dropped us off at Dhoby Gaut MRT Station and I thought I would see him no longer due to my bad impression of him. However, he initiated a conversation with me by dropping me a Whatsapp message that he was apologetic that he did not drive me home that night etc.
Blossoming of Friendship
We became great friends after we started playing this game – “Draw Something”. We began to chat with each other via Whatsapp.. We realised that we have a lot of things in common via our interaction – we both love eating good food, we are both strong in Chinese, we can speak some Cantonese, we love to watch dramas on Channel 8, and the list goes on… We have too many things in common and too many similar experiences that we felt that we that we should’ve known each other earlier (相逢恨晚). We both thought that we were each other’s soulmate.
After we knew each other slightly more, I gave Griffin a nickname – Muffin as Muffin is an edible object that is easier to pronounce. In return, he gave me a pet name – Rabbit since my Zodiac sign is a Rabbit (how unoriginal). Anyway, that was how “Musings of [a] RABBIT” came about — Muffin was the man behind my muses!
- Challenging each other to LINE Pop Game

Eat & Grow Fat Together
Turning Point: 25 November 2012
I was determined to marry in the Lord and establish a household of faith. Hence it is vital that my spouse has to be a Christian attending the same church as I so that we can propagate godly offsprings. As Muffin was from another church with a different set of doctrines and beliefs, it was almost impossible for us to be together. Although we were each other’s soul mates, our difference in beliefs was the main barrier preventing us to be together. I was prepared to give up on him if he could not embrace the same set of beliefs as I anyway.
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers” ~ 2 Corinthians 6:14
Muffin started attending bible study sessions with Bro Nicholas in early March 2012 and thank God he accepted the biblical teachings and has decided to baptise in November 2012.
“With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” ~ Matthew 19:26
Other Differences
After we got together, we realised that we have differences too despite our similarities. After all, we are TWO distinct individuals with our own set of thinking and logic.
Things I dislike about Muffin is that he can be Horrid at times.
#1: Always preoccupied with other stuff
He can be physically accompanying me, but his mind is wandering elsewhere. He is constantly stressed with his work or distracted with his stupid iPad games. I really hate it when he always play his iPad games and subscribe to the gamer’s clan on LINE Messanger and receiving hundreds of spams on his LINE Messenger. The LINE Messenger is no longer exclusively used to convey our sweet nothings anymore 🙁

Horrid Muffin always playing games

Frustrated Rabbit 🙁

How Muffin looks like when I’m pissed… LOL
Yes, and I was very pissed with him that he was compromising church time to meet his clients even during weekends and being late for church due to work.
#2: Always act as if he understands
He likes to be Mr. Fix-It-All and thinks that he understands how I feel most of the times. After all, he is not in my shoes and he doesn’t know how much it hurts to be wearing a pair of ill-fitting shoes. Hence I tend to get really frustrated with him for suggesting solutions which deem to be useless to me. I never like confiding in him because he acts he understands but I think he doesn’t. And actually I confide in him normally is more for comfort instead of offering me free solutions which I deem as unfruitful. All I need is just a shoulder to lean.. Is that so difficult?!
When I told him that I am stressed with my work, he’ll comment that I do not do a lot of overtime like others would etc. Confiding in Horrid Muffin has proved to be the wrongest thing to do as instead of getting comfort out of my sorrow, I felt that he is rubbing salt on my wound.

Rabbit got upset
And I have problems with my Mom. She has too many expectations on this and that and she is meddling too much in our relationship as she is being just too over-protective and overly sensitive. Entertaining her is my greatest burden and our relationship was strained due to that. She will always come and step on my tail by asking intrusive questions about my private life. I need my own privacy too. I do not need somebody who comes to open my birthday / V Day presents and make comments about them. It is simply loathsome. I do admit that I always do vent my frustrations on Muffin after having tolerated my Mom’s nonsense again and again.
#3: I hate it whenever he goes “HUH?!”
I find his reaction very intrusive at times. He is causing too many brows around us to be raised whenever he goes “HUH?!” in public whenever I tried to tell him something and he failed to get it. This is damn frustrating. And I HATE repeating myself like a tape recorder.

How annoying ~
#4: Always making fun of me
Jokes can be hurting especially when it’s made by a close one. He would make fun of me that I am fat and round after eating so much food. I really hate that.
I hate it when people make comments about my physical appearance because I can’t possibly undergo plastic surgery.
I was so hurt by my classmates’ taunting about my teeth which spurred me to embark in a 2.5 years painful journey with braces. I never dared to open my mouth prior to braces and I was glad I had a second lease of life after removing my braces. At least I can speak and express myself more confidently instead of being bullied by others during my schooling days. I admit that I do have low self-esteem so please just STOP trampling my self-esteem all over again if you do not want to see me popping Slim 10 pills.

Fat Rabbit 🙁
#5: Criticising me
Criticisms are never great. I prefer hearing only the good stuff. So stop commenting that I am mean because I have been very mean over the past 20 years of my life. I am straight-forward and direct and might just shoot my mouth off at times. So that is not something that is within my control although I have tried to say nice things to others which made my hair stand. I am harsh with my words, but I never use vulgarities.
#6: Boring
Yes, he is never romantic. Never expect him to treat you like a princess when you are out with him.
To be able to enjoy each other’s companionship doing things together… Being so supportive of his spouse even in vlogging. Horrid Muffin is nothing like that. He wouldn’t let me post photos of him without his hair styled properly (which I seriously do not see much difference whether his hair is up or down)… And also, the reason why I like about the guy in the video is that he is always praising his wife and being appreciative by saying all the sweet stuff to please her (I think he meant every word from the bottom of his heart anyways). But Muffin is NEVER Romantic. So perish that thought if you are stucked with a Muffin.

The Rabbit & her fantasies
I guess I should start fantasising about dating white guys whenever Muffin neglects me. Meh!!!!!
Pros of Having a Muffin
Sweetie Muffin does have his good points despite the fact that he is insipid.
#1: Down-to-Earth and Dependable
Yes, he is practical. Being with him makes me feel at ease and secure. I do not need to be pretentious when I am with him and he accepts me for who I am although he is always making fun of me that I am gaining weight.

Down To Earth
#2: Diligent
Yes, he is very hardworking when it comes to work. Although he neglects me at times and is often distracted by his work, at least he made an effort to spend some time with me physically. You cannot expect to have best of both worlds at the same time. So having him to accompany you physically should be good enough. Anyways, I have learnt to entertain myself when he is not around like enjoying my “ME” time blogging and exploring other places like Antionette @ Palais Renaissance. To think of it, he is slogging his guts out for a better future and he tried his best to attend our Sabbath Church Service weekly. So there isn’t much for me to grumble about actually.

Diligent Sweetie Muffin 🙂
#3: Good Chauffeur
Yes Sweetie Muffin is not completely useless although he is an IT noob.

Muffin the Good Chauffeur
He is a very good chauffeur and hence is able to drive me to many exotic places to enjoy good food. When I first knew him, he just upgraded his car into an Audi. I know nuts about cars and I thought that all cars are alike till my colleagues started commenting about his Audi and speculated that he must be wealthy- how superficial! Anyways, it doesn’t matter what he drives as long as he drives.. LOL
#4: Handy Photographer
Also, having Sweetie Muffin around means I have a photographer to help me take selfies and I would not be struggling to take selfies like my “ME” time episode at Antionette.

It’s not easy taking good selfies

My failed attempt 🙁
#5: Good Companion
It is ironical that I complained about having his companionship above. After I had my “ME” time at Antionette @ Palais Renaissance, I began to miss Muffin dearly. Why? Because I could not try more desserts without having him to help me clear up the food. Sweetie Muffin hates food wastage and would try to clear up the leftovers whenever I couldn’t finish my food.

Food Wastage without Muffin around 🙁
#6: Can be Sweet at times
Despite me complaining that Muffin lacks romance, he can be caring at times too by initiating to bring me out on dates etc. Also, he downloads chunks of cute LINE Stickers just to please me which I really do appreciate that 🙂
#7: Not Sticky
One thing good about Sweetie Muffin is that he is too busy to be sticky to me. Some boyfriends are really possessive and manipulative and that puts me off. Having a naggy Mom is bad enough, so I need to enjoy some silence too. I really do appreciate Sweetie Muffin’s Non-Stick qualities.
#8: Faithful
This is too early for me to conclude. The reason why he is considered faithful to me is that he is too busy, too unromantic to be bothered about other girls. LOL.. Hey I’m helping to boost his good points now that we are at point No. 8!
#9: Tolerating
This is an important trait for me as I have a very nasty temper and will always flare up at times. So Sweetie Muffin has always been tolerating towards my bad temper which makes him a rare gem…

Rabbit Scolds Muffin
Other Sweet Moments we had together 🙂

Watched our first ballet – Swan Lake @ The Esplanade
We watched Titanic 3D together 🙂

Watching Titanic Together
OK, I remembered that Muffin was romantic once.. He professed his love on the sand near the beach one evening…
We celebrated our first Anniversary @ The White Rabbit on 14 February 2013.
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Celebrating our Anniversary @ The White Rabbit |
Presenting Da Rabbit with a “Princess” Necklace to make me feel special ♥♥

Princess Necklace
Last but not least, we would like to say a BIG “THANK YOU” to those who have read our blog. Thanks for your support for the past 2 months and we have hit another new high – 19.7K Page Views!!!

19.7K Page Views!

Thank You!!!
Do stay tuned to our future musings about our Wedding Preparation in 2014! Wishing all of you a happy and prosperous New Year 2014!!!
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