Everything With Fries, Holland Village

Exploring Holland Village (Part 2): Everything With Fries


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Looking for a place for small bites, desserts and some beer to chill
for the night? We have decided to pop by this large café in Holland
Village as we were attracted by their 1-for-1 beer offer after 9pm.

As we were not satisfied with the foodie @ Cucina Café and Restaurant for dinner, we ended up exploring Holland Village to get some small bites to satisfy our craving.

Everything With Fries
40 Lorong Mambong, Holland Village, Singapore 277695
Tel: 6463 3741
Operating Hours: Tuesday – Thursday, 12:00 to 23:00; Friday – Saturday, 12:00 to 01:00; Sunday, 12:00 to 23:00

1 for 1 Beer Promotion
Le’ Signboard which attracted the boys…

Le’ Ambience

The café is spacious with minimalistic décor. 

Waiter Styling his hair on the upper storey.. LOL

Our neighbour stoning…

Chalkboard Drawings on the Wall 🙂

 Le’ Menu

As the restaurant name suggests, this café specialises in different types of fries.
You can order their mains, sides, desserts and drinks and have them together WITH FRIES.. Of course, the fries will be charged separately and not complimentary.. LOL.
Everything With Fries, Holland Village

What We Ordered

I ordered Hot Butterscotch Milk for drinks and Warm Apple Crumble with Ice-Cream for desserts. The guys ordered the 1-for-1 Hoegaarden beer to chill, Straight Cut Fries in Curry and Sour Cream and Onion flavour.
Everything With Fries, Holland Village
Le’ Order Chit

Le’ Food

Hot Butterscotch Milk (SGD7.90++)

Everything With Fries, Holland Village
Hot Butterscotch Milk (SGD7.90++)
The Butterscotch Milk tasted too buttery to my liking. It felt like I was drinking a cup of oil. This drink was served without a storer and the caramel was stucked at the bottom…
Everything With Fries, Holland Village
It took me quite some time to mix the drink well but I still didn’t really like this drink.. Hmmm…

Warm Apple Crumble with Ice-Cream (SGD9.90++)

Everything With Fries, Holland Village
Warm Apple Crumble with Ice-Cream (SGD9.90++)
The Apple Crumble tasted really good. Warm and moist on the inside and the crumbs are crispy on the outside. Went really well with the vanilla ice-cream too 🙂
Everything With Fries, Holland Village
Everything With Fries, Holland Village

Hoegarden Beer (SGD9.90++ for 2)

Actually I preferred the beer to the drink which I have ordered…
Hoegarden’s Beer tasted really smooth and refreshing.
Everything With Fries, Holland Village 

Curry Fries (SGD5.90++)

Curry fries have the spicy aroma but the taste is normal.

Everything With Fries, Holland Village
Curry Fries (SGD5.90++)

Sour Cream and Onion Fries (SGD5.90++)

The sour cream and onion version is no better. Totally insipid 🙁

Everything With Fries, Holland Village
Sour Cream and Onion Fries (SGD5.90++)


The food in general is mediocre. The fries were the major letdown as they tasted very dry – we prefer Macdonald’s fries somehow.. Or Best Fries Forever which is rather moist. 
Total damage? The bill came up to be SGD45.35 and we paid the full amount in CASH. Good riddance for our wallets weighed down by unwanted coins!! 
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Kriston posing with his fries… 
Ryan + Kriston 🙂
Pricing: $$$/5
Food: ♥♥+half/5
Ambience: ♥♥♥+half/5
Service: ♥♥♥/5

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