Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar, One-North Residences

Café Hopping @ Jimmy Monkey ~

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I was finally convinced to visit this Australian Café after Kriston
started raving about it. He was full of praises for their coffees which
were brewed by the legendary SLAYER. As a complete coffee noob, I went
to research about what is this famed SLAYER thingy all about.

SLAYER is a hand-built espresso machine which is considered rare. Its
minimalistic design enables the barista to focus on making the coffee…
I was thinking that smart machines are made for noobies like me and
couldn’t figure out why a skilful barista would need such a machine to
help them focus on making the coffee *rolls eyes* However on
second thoughts, professionals would desire to use the best tools to
help them perfect their work at times – just like why photography
accolades will invest heavily on DSLRs and lens.

Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar
Facebook Page:
9 One-North Gateway
#01-51 One-North Residences
Singapore 138643
Tel: 6777 8470
Operating Hours: Weekdays, 08:30 to 20:30; Weekends, 08:30 to 18:00

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Is that the Slayer?
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Coffee Grounder

Anyways, the machine seemed to be like the major attraction for me to visit the place which was pretty “ulu” (meaning remote in Malay).

Le’ Ambience

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It is an Auzzie Café which serves Japanese (Asahi) Beer.. Puzzling…
Nostalgic Shophouse Windows
Open Sesame!

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Signboard collapsed on the ground…

Situated in between Buona Vista MRT and One-North MRT Station, and away from the hustle and bustle of the town area, Jimmy Monkey indeed is a haven for those of us who are weary of the world and wish to have a moment of tranquility.
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Surrounded by greeneries…
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Main Entrance
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Coffee Beans and cheerful Teal-Coloured Cups!
The interior décor of the café gives people a very rustic feel. The place looks like some factory / warehouse with rather quirky furnishings like displaying a toilet bowl on the wall and tall shelvings that no homosapien can reach for stuff easily… The feeling it gives to visitors is pretty bizarre in short~
Rustic Décor / Ambience with Toilet Bowl mounted on the wall
You spot the toilet bowl display?
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Check out the shelves… So high up~

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Cozy Couch Area 🙂
However, quirky things do attract our interest and we enjoyed dining in such a place for a change. 
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Pictures hung on the wall

Le’ Menu

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Kriston Browsing the Menu

The Menu is ever-changing according to the seasonality and time of visit.
Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar, One-North Residences
Australia Day Menu
There is not much variety of items to choose from either as they are very seasonal and with time limitations…
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Day Menu

Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar, One-North Residences
Drinks Menu

Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar, One-North Residences
Lazy Weekend Menu

What We Ordered

I ordered a cup of Macchiato (as I am a milk lover) whereas Kriston ordered Violet Crumble for drinks. We also ordered Blueberry Pancakes to share.

Le’ Food

Black-and-White Food Memories

Macchiato (SGD5+)

Espresso with Milk

Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar, One-North Residences
Macchiato (SGD5+)
S$5++ seemed reasonable as Starbucks Coffee might cost more… 
Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar, One-North Residences
Before concluding anything, please wait a Moment…
Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar, One-North Residences (with Jimmy Monkey Namecard)
See how ‘big’ is the portion served VS the size of a standard name card…

When I saw the portion which was served, I was stunned.

The cup was really petite and I regretted my choice instantaneously 🙁

Moreover I was disappointed that there was no creative latte art.. Since the Slayer makes things easier for the barista, shouldn’t he focus on doing a pretty latte art for me? *Haix*

Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar, One-North Residences
Bottoms Up! Actually I am fond of their cups’ design 🙂

However, I was grateful that the portion was small as the drink tasted ultra bitter to the extent that the milky taste was covered. Well, I am not a coffee lover to begin with and hence I prefer something sweeter *oops*

Violet Crumble (SGD18++)

Kapiti Vanilla Ice-Cream blended with crėme de cacao, butterscotch schnapps and milk, with chopped Kapiti Chocolate Ice-Cream and topped with crushed Violet Crumble

Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar, One-North Residences
Le’ Costly Crumble…

This is utter madness! Spending over SGD10 on a milkshake-like substance. It tasted good but I think it is overpriced.

Blueberry Pancakes (SGD14 ++)

Blueberry infused pancakes topped with berry compote and crėme fraiche with a side of maple syrup + ice-cream (SGD3)

Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar, One-North Residences
Blueberry Pancakes (SGD14+)
The pancakes do not taste as fluffy and as yummy as those served by Batter Fluffy Flaps. The taste is acceptable but it is somewhat lacklustre judging that we have travelled so far and paid so much just to visit this much-raved place… Moreover, I do not see the point in charging SGD3 for an additional small single scoop of vanilla ice-cream…
Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar, One-North Residences

Total Damage

Jimmy Monkey Café and Bar, One-North Residences
Total Damage? SGD42.80 for drinks and a dessert.

We did not even order any main course but the total expenditure is already over SGD40 (thanks to somebody’s Violet Crumble).


The place is a little over-rated and overpriced to be frank. I would probably visit this place for brunch (but I feel a little too lazy to travel all the way in the morning) if I am feeling damn rich.

Photos Taken in the Vicinity

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May the FORCE be with YOU
The Metropolis, Singapore (Biopolis)
Seeking Peace and Tranquility…
Eco-Park in a Business Building.. 

The Metropolis, Singapore (Biopolis)
Shadowless Kicks…

Pricing: $$$+half/5
Food: ♥♥♥/5
Ambience: ♥♥♥+half/5
Service: ♥♥♥/5

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