Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣) & Seven Star Lake (七星潭)

Embracing Nature in Hualien

Hey guys, a million apologies for not updating my Taiwan Trip for a long time… Have been too busy and hesitant to do it as I have tons of photos sitting in my albums..
So, here comes my update on our trip to Hualien, Taiwan. 
I felt that Hualien is the main highlight of my entire Taiwan Trip because besides all that eating, we finally had the chance to slow our paces down to admire nature! Also, the flora and fauna did brighten up our trip 🙂
Taking a photo @ Taipei Train Station

Taking a train to Hualien from Taipei

Arrival @ Hualien

We checked into our hotel – Charming City Hotel (香城大饭店) in Hualien.
As we were only going to spend a night at this hotel, Sweetie Muffin splurged a little and booked this hotel which was located nearby the train station (approximately 5 minutes walk) with decent hotel facilities and larger room. 
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣) & Seven Star Lake (七星潭)
Charming City Hotel (香城大饭店)
Address: 花蓮市國興二街19號 
Tel : 03-835-3355 Fax : 03-834-7890 

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣) & Seven Star Lake (七星潭)
Check out the Water Feature at the hotel!

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣) & Seven Star Lake (七星潭)
Hotel Lobby
We actually liked this hotel a lot that we began to miss it once we head back to Taipei ;(
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣) & Seven Star Lake (七星潭)
Nice Wall Painting @ The Lobby
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣) & Seven Star Lake (七星潭)
Hotel Breakfast (Chinese Style)
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣) & Seven Star Lake (七星潭)
Hotel Breakfast (Western Version)

Taroko (太魯閣)

Never attempt getting around Taroko without a cab. We managed to negotiate for a good price with a nice cabbie aunty – Ms. Gu (古小姐) at the lane nearby our hotel to take us to Taroko. 
According to Taiwan natives, they advised us against staying too long at the Taroko gorge due to landslides. Hence, we decided to just get around the place on a cab and only stop by a few selected spots for photo-taking. Anyway we were not too keen on walking that much either LOL. 

Bridge of 100 Lions

This was our first stop. We were fascinated by the sculptures of lions made of rocks which lined the bridge… 
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
I think.. any bridge can be “Lovers’ Bridge”.. LOL
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
Pretending to Rock Climb…
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)

Swallow Grotto (燕子口)

Next would be the Swallow Grotto whereby we were required to wear safety helmets.
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
Loaning of helmets is completely free of charge 🙂

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
Such Picturesque View…

Buluowan (布洛灣)

Buluowan means “echo of canyon” and it used to be a village of the Taroko aborigines.
We pretty much enjoyed the scenery at this particular park.
The air is fresh and chilly too 🙂
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
When was the last time you hear Mother Nature calling out to you?
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
Feel the Rhythm of River…

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)

Leader Village Taroko (立德布洛灣山月村)

As our cabbie aunty is of Taroko descent, she could explain to us the history of Taroko Tribe fluidly.
Also, she brought us up to this hostel – Leader Village Taroko for a brief visit to experience life of the Taroko Tribe.
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
Leader Village Taroko (立德布洛灣山月村)
Address: NO 231-1 Fu Shih Village, Hsiulin, Hualien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL:886-3-861-0111   FAX::886-3- 861-0191

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
The people of the Taroko Tribe lives in the mountains and they made their living by hunting animals and weaving.
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
I would like to stay in this hostel during my next visit to Hualien for a change to experience the culture and lifestyle of the natives! Also, the air on the mountains is so much fresher!
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
A little Hut with some semblance to those where the tribal people resided
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
What a festive looking tree!
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
Photos hung on the wall displaying fragments of the Taroko Tribal Activities…
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
This was supposedly a photo of a Shamen (Witch Doctor)
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
Wild Boars… 
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Taroko (太魯閣)
Riding on Wild Boars…

Seven Star Lake (七星潭 Qī Xīng Tán)

Our cabbie aunty drove us to the Seven Star Lake (七星潭) in the morning of the second day before we take the train back to Taipei.
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Seven Star Lake (七星潭)
Marvelling at the gigantic waves of the Pacific Ocean ~

Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Seven Star Lake (七星潭)
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Seven Star Lake (七星潭)
Sweetie Muffin lookin’ SEXY on that beach!
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Seven Star Lake (七星潭)
Waves so high that we thought a tsunami is approaching!
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Seven Star Lake (七星潭)
Posing with the waves..
Highlights of Hualien (花莲): Seven Star Lake (七星潭)
Run!! We are almost WET!

 Do check out our previous post: Highlights of Taipei: Raohe St. Night Market (饒河街觀光夜市) soon!
What’s Next? – Highlights of Hualien (花蓮): Zhiqiang Night Market (自强夜市)

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