Tell-Tale Signs of You Leaving Your Employment…
The common tell-tale signs are:
- Taking frequent half-day leaves / Medical Leaves or Urgent Leaves etc
- Low Morale during Work – can be observed by bad mood, low spirits and even venting of frustrations at himself / herself or others
- Incessant complaining about how shitty their work is and saying negative things about the company
- Doing Overtime over prolonged period
How do YOU know it’s Your Turn?
- You feel that you do not have any potential to grow
Your efforts and handwork are not being recognised by the management and you feel that you are not rewarded well enough for all the efforts you have placed in during your employment in the company.
- You are unhappy with your immediate boss
This is one of the very common reasons why people leave the organisation.
- Your voice / opinion is never heard
Some people are just stubborn and insistent on their ways. No matter how you voice your disagreement / suggestions, they would never be heard.
- You are not picking up any new things
If you are always looking out to learn new things and be in contact with novel stuff, chances are you will not want to do the same old routine stuff over and over again.
- You dislike the company’s culture / structure
This is one of the major reason why I chose to leave my previous company. After being worked for an MNC that is very westernised, working under an Asian culture might cause many resentment.
- You do not feel motivated to work. To you, it’s just a job and you only look forward to receive the next pay check.
Check Out My FULL Career Series Below 🙂
Part 1: Career and Aspirations (Career VS Job)
Part 2: How do your know it is the TIME (to Quit)?
Part 3: How to Stay Employable and Ace Your Interviews?
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