d'Good Café, Holland Village

Latté Art @ Whimsical Café

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CaféHopping Weekend 🙂
Ever dreamt of spending your weekend lazy afternoons chilling in a whimsical café which serves decent latté art and at an affordable price?
Tucked away from the hustle and bustle of city life in a quiet corner located just a stone throw away from the Holland Village MRT Station, d’Good Café would be a worthy exploration for café hoppers like us 🙂

Café Name: d’Good Café
Facebook Page:
Location: 273 Holland Avenue, #02-01/02, Singapore 278992
Tel: 6219 9807
Operating Hours:
Monday – Thursday, 10:00 to 21:00
Friday – Saturday, 10:00 to 22:00
Sunday, 10:00 to 21:00

The café is not located on the ground floor and hence you need to take the stairs up to the second or third storey or try taking their mini elevator fashioned like a safe deposit box..

d'Good Café, Holland Villaged'Good Café, Holland Village

We were really skeptical as this elevator seemed to be rather manual and pretty flimsy judging that the maximum capacity is only up to 4 pax. Also, the elevator was very manual as you have to press and hold the button in order for it to move ~ scary for a first-timer.

d'Good Café, Holland Village
Weirdo Buttons on the Elevator.. The RED one is Self-Destruct?! *GASP*

Despite our ‘horrific’ experience with the elevator, our hearts lightened a little when we were greeted by the beautiful garden décor.


Al Fresco Dining on the Roof

The garden themed outdoor dining area was located at the roof access on the 3rd storey.

Dining under Canopies ~


As the alfresco area was too humid for the afternoon, we went indoors with the air-conditioning instead.

Cool Indoors

Yeshhh~ Much Cooler!
The indoor area had 2 swings facing the windows which was pretty cool! However, they were occupied by lovey dovey couples – can’t really fit a threesome like Kriston, Sweetie Muffin and I right? *Roll Eyes*

Swings occupied by couples

Ordering at Pantry Area

The ordering of food and beverages take place at the pantry area located at the 2nd storey.
The place was decorated with coffee beans and coffee machines and also other random stuff (for sale and not for sale).
Check out the grand looking coffee machines!!
They even have a decorative weighing scale with coffee beans on top 😀
d'Good Café, Holland Village
Polaroids of Birthday Boys and Girls pinned on the walls.. How sweet ~


d'Good Café, Holland Village
Drinks Menu located on top of the cabinets

As the drinks menu was located on top of the cabinets, it proved to be quite a challenge for us to read what was afar as I am short-sighted (not to mention with astigmatism too). *MEH*

d'Good Café, Holland Village
Generic Food Menu

Our orders were displayed on the display monitor at the cashier counter and the total damage was SGD30.50 for 3 beverages and 1 waffle with ice-cream.

What We Ordered and Total Damage


Latté Art
Our Drinks

Earl-Lavender Tea Latté (SGD7.00)

I ordered this because the photo frame was located at the counter and it caught my attention.
d'Good Café, Holland Village
Earl-Lavender Tea Latté (SGD7.00)
I love the soothing fragrance of lavender flowers and hence would like to have some in my tea latté to calm my senses. 
The drink was served with me with a tulip flower latté art and with a bunch of lavender buds on top *LOVE to bits!*
d'Good Café, Holland Village
Tulip Flower Latté Art

The Earl-Lavender Tea Latte tasted very smooth and soothing and I enjoyed sipping it lots!

Hot Chocolate (SGD6.50)

Kriston ordered this and was given a cute teddy bear latté art!

d'Good Café, Holland Village
Hot Chocolate (SGD6.50)
I simply love the intricate details on the teddy bear! It was simply too adorable for consumption.. But.. Kriston stirred the drink and gulped it almost immediately *AWWW*
d'Good Café, Holland Village

Chocolate Chip Frappé (SGD7.00)

Sweetie Muffin ordered the Chocolate Chip Frappé and it tasted great with Starbucks quality 😀
I LOVE the whipped cream topping *How Sinful*
d'Good Café, Holland Village
Sweetie Muffin and I

Waffle with Butter and Maple Syrup
+ Vanila Gelato + Cookies and Cream Gelato (SGD7.00)

Yummy! But to be honest, I can NEVER have enough of waffles and gelatos! They are the best combo ever!

Not to mention the fragrance of butter and maple syrup enhances my favourite dessert by leaps and bounds ~ *ADDICTED*

d'Good Café, Holland Village
Delicious Waffle with 2 Scoops of Gelato!
d'Good Café, Holland Village; Selfie
Enjoying my weekly dose of HAPPINESS with my freaking smirk
Oil Paintings
Artistic Paintings of Coffees ~
So Con Panna is simply Espresso with Cream *Hmmm*


Our experience at d’Good Café is a pleasurable one and we would definitely be back for more goodies!
The below 3 pointers sums up our visit as a whole: 
Accessible: Near to Holland Village MRT
Affordable: Prices are affordable (although not cheap)
Awesome: Taste and Environment

Until Next Time 🙂

Pricing: ★★★☆☆
Food: ★★★★☆☆
Ambience: ★★★★☆
Service: ★★★☆☆ (Self-Service)

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