Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter Review

(Advertorial) Glowing Skin and Hair with Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter


Have you ever wondered why is your shower gel / shampoo not lathering well? Or do you have soap scums trapped in your hair which makes your hair feel tacky and gummy or your hair is always in a greasy mess? Or are you constantly suffering from itchy and flaky skin no matter how much lotion you apply after a shower? The problem might not lie in the brand of shampoos or soaps used – rather it is the WATER!

What is WRONG with TAP WATER?

Our tap water (even in the Singapore context) contains harmful chemicals such as chlorine (acts as a disinfectant) which can lead to accumulative effects including but not limited to skin irritations, eczema, thinning hair and dandruff.

Prolonged chlorine exposure may cause symptoms such as:

– Blurred vision
– Breathing difficulties
– Irritation in the nose, throat and eyes
– Coughing
– Chest Tightness
– Pulmonary Edema (fluid in the lungs)
– Nausea

In addition to the above, the water from our tap is considered as hard water (i.e. contains high mineral content) which makes it difficult for our soaps to lather well and hence the soap reacts with the water to form a white precipitate which is known as soap scum. This is why your hair feels greasy and tacky even after shampooing on a daily basis.

Hence.. We need a good SHOWER FILTER to purify our waters!

Do You Know?

Do you know that it is more harmful to shower in chlorinated water than to drink it?

This is a common misconception that drinking chlorinated water is more harmful than showering in it as we thought that whatever we consume into our bodies are more harmful than mere physical contact with the substance.

When we shower under warm water, our pores open up making it easier to absorb chemicals that come into contact with our skin. Also, vaporisation occurs when we are taking a steam bath / hot shower and hence we are inhaling the chemicals too *URGH*

Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter

Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter Review
Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter (S$92) + Refill ($52)

Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter is developed with the aim of eliminating daily exposure to treated and chlorinated water for improved wellbeing.

Although it is a common practice in Japan and Korea to use shower filters, but not many people in Southeast Asia knows about shower filters. To my horror, the hubs actually know nuts about water filters and the importance of drinking filtered water till we shifted into our new house as he was commenting that his family had been drinking tap water and were living very well and he couldn’t understand why my family is so insistent on drinking and showering with filtered water for health reasons.

Immediate Benefits include:

– Soap lathers much better in smaller quantities
– Skin becomes softer, healthier, less dry and sensitive
– Reduced Breakouts of rashes and wrinkle formation
– Hair becomes silkier and healthier
– Prolonged lifespan of coloured hair

Long-term benefits:

– Reduced risk of asthma and bronchitis from chlorine inhalation
– Decreases the risks of bladder and breast cancer
– Children benefit especially from the removal of chlorine from shower water
– Promotes higher energy levels and overall health

In the absence of shower filters, the effect can be rather cumulative and it results in unhealthy hair and skin.

Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter
Facebook Page:


Too lazy to read my blog? Watch my video review and demonstration on how to use the Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter instead!

Installation of Shower Filter

Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter Review
Installation is as easy as 1-2-3:
#1: Detach the shower hose from the faucet
#2: Twist the Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter into the faucet till fully secured
#3: Reattach the hose to the shower filter
It is recommended that you change your shower filter after 6-9 months depending on usage.

Installation of Refill

In order to make the concept of using a shower filter economical, Pure Blue offers their refill option at only a fraction of the price (i.e. S$52 VS buying the entire filter again at S$92).
Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter Review
Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter Refill

Replacing the filter is even easier as all you need to do is to twist open the Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter and replace the filter core (the part in the middle) with the side with larger surface area facing downwards.

Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter Review
The Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter when dismantled
Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter Review
The Refill is the one in the middle. 

You can just replace the filter refill within a matter of minutes!

My Review

As my parents have always been using a shower filter, I never had much issues with my skin and hair back then when I was living with them but the nightmare began when I shifted into my new house where we used tap water to shower. 


✔ Easy to Use
✔ Not bulky or obtrusive looking in the bathroom

✔ Soap lathers much better in smaller quantities, hence saving my toiletries!

✔ Skin feels less irritated and dry after using

✔ Breakouts reduced
✔ Hair feels so much more healthier 

✔ Economical as you can purchase the refill at a nominal cost


✘ Sadly this shower filter only fits my handheld shower and not my rain shower outlet, hence I can’t enjoy my rain shower 🙁

We had water filters installed for drinking purposes but we never know the importance of having shower filters till my hair started to act weird on me despite me changing my shampoo THRICE over the half year span. It was then I started researching on the underlying cause and discovered that the problem might lie within the waters we are using as hard water can cause our soaps not to lather well.
After using the Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter for almost 2 months now, I feel that my hair feels a lot more fresher and tamer without all that tacky mess going on in. My skin feels less dry and I can apply body lotions less frequently without worrying that white lines will appear on my skin if I accidentally scratched it. 

My breakouts have noticeably reduced and I am really pleased with the result. 


To reward you for being so sweet and loyal to read my entire blog post or even bother to watch my vlog, you will be entitled a chance to join my GIVEAWAY! *squeals*

Do note that this giveaway is open to all residents in Singapore and Asia!!

/// GIVEAWAY ///
* 1x Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter worth $92 *

Simply LIKE and SHARE Pure Blue’s Facebook Page HERE to enter!

(Please ensure to set your sharing privacy to “public” so as to enable us to vet through your entry)


You may head over to Pure Blue‘s website to purchase the Pure Blue Beauté Shower Filter and its refill HERE if you can’t wait to reap from its benefits.

They offer FREE LOCAL DELIVERY for orders above $80!



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