Juice Cleansing with Juice Up

Juice Up Advertorial: 3 Days Juice Cleansing Journey

Eating to me is an enjoyment. However good tasting food are not necessarily good to our health and hence it would be good if we undergo some detox process once in a while.
As somebody who is constantly suffering from a bloated stomach, I felt that undergoing a detoxifying process would reduce the flatulence so that I can eat more good food without feeling burdened *HAHA*
Moreover, I wanted to look more healthy and less bloated in my bridal gowns during my wedding banquet. Therefore, I was elated when Juice Up sponsored me on their Go! Free Juice Programme (SGD260)  which lasts for a span of 3 days.
Juice Up
Tides @ 217 East Coast Road
#02-10, Singapore 428915
Tel: 9732 3903

What is Juice Cleansing

In case this sounds foreign to you guys, Juice Cleansing is a process whereby you ingest nothing but plentiful of fruit juices and water throughout the entire programme. The idea of a juice cleanse is to flush out the toxins in your body so that your body can function better.
*Disclaimer: Juice Up makes NO guarantee, promises or claims about the efficacy of its programme as results may vary from individual to individual. The information, products and services should not be misconstrued as medical advice. You should consult your physician first, informing him fully of the nature of the Juice Up programme.

15 April 2015 – The Day Before

Juice Up delivered my 3 Days’ supply of juices consisting of 18 plastic bottles (500ml per bottle) of fruitty blends.
They looked oh so cute and the sequence were labelled clearly on the top of the bottles’ cap.
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Arrival of my Juices!! 
Juice Up has put in tons of effort in crafting healthy and tasty cold-pressed juices with the perfect blend of fruits and vegetables.
Juices are cold-pressed using hydraulic juicers from USA which enables a better retention of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
As these juices are 100% free from preservatives and additives, hence it is recommended that I consume the juices within the next 3 days.
I was provided with their Go! Free Juice Programme Guide.
So in order to embark on a juice cleansing programme, one must be mentally and physically prepared prior to the process.
The tips provided by Juice Up are:

1. Eat Right, Eat Light

Eat lighter meals before the commencement of the juice programme. Do not overeat or stuff yourself just because you know you will be ‘fasting’ for the next few days.
I tried to do that but I accepted to participate the media event for 1 Market’s Thai Fair and hence ended up having buffet for dinner *Don’t kill me pls*
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Buffet Dinner @ 1 Market by Chef Wan
To be honest, I did not eat a lot.. I only attacked my favourite ice-creams and some sashimi – that’s all 😀

2. Be prepared, Mentally

You will bid your favourite foods farewell for the next THREE days! Hence a great way to stay motivated is to get a friend to join you in the Go! Free Programme as well.
I was prepared mentally, but too bad my friends including Sweetie Muffin are carnivores. Hence it would be difficult to psycho them to join me *Haix*

3. Pick A Date

Avoid doing the juice programme during a time when you will face intense pressure.
I was adventurous because I picked to start my juice programme THREE days before my wedding banquet!!
O K .
I think those who know me will feel that I am very random and crazy at times. I simply do things whenever I have the URGE to do so. Hence this juice cleanse thingy arise from my urge as well *oops*
Hey, but I’m sure my randomness is good in a sense that I will be cleansed internally for my wedding right?

4. Other Tips

Other tips include drinking the juices in an interval of TWO Hours (there will be SIX bottles of juices to drink per day).
Also, you must stay hydrated throughout the programme by drinking lots of water – however I did not drink much water as I was too bloated with all the juices!
Another commonsensical tip is to avoid strenuous activities because you wouldn’t have much energy to exhaust on a juice diet? You can embark in more relaxing activities such as facial, massage or even listening to music if that pleases you 🙂
During the entire process, you are free to drink teas such as chamomile, ginger or flower tea.
Lastly, if the hunger pangs are killing you – do NOT starve yourselves! You can eat some fruits, vegetables or a vegetable broth. Just cut those carbs away will do – that’s the idea 😀

16 April 2015 – Day 1

I was instructed to drink the juices labelled with PINK stickers 🙂
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Day 1 Juices 🙂

10am: Rise and shine!

Started my morning with Juice 1 – Go! Sunrise.
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Innocently drinking my Go! Sunrise
This juice mainly consists of a blend of vegetables like Cucumber, Lettuce and Spinach. Pear and Orange is added for a sweet taste.
I felt intestinal movements whilst halfway drinking Juice 1. Hence I cleared my bowels and felt so much lighter! (too much info?)
The taste wise is super refreshing as the cucumber taste is very strong in the drink.

12pm: 2 Hours Later

Drank Juice 2 – Go! Scrub.
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Bottoms Up with Go! Scrub 😀
Ingredients: Green Apple, Beetroot, Carrot, Ginger and Lemon
At first, I could taste the spiciness of the ginger but there was a sweet aftertaste from the beetroot. Overall taste ain’t too sour either 😉


Starting to feel pretty hungry. I think I’m getting mental as I missed my solid food.
I’m starting to ‘reminisce’ my glorious moments at 1 Market by Chef Wan the previous evening.. *OMG*

4pm: Drank Juice 3 – Go! Energy

Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Juice 3 – Go! Energy
Ingredients: Wheatgrass, Cucumber, Pineapple, Green Apple and Pear
Was rather preoccupied with video editing for my wedding banquet. YES, I edited all my wedding videos and montage! I derive satisfaction from doing all of that!

5.30pm: Juice 4 – Go! Mojito

Ingredients: Basil, Cucumber, Green Apple, Red Apple and Lime
The basil taste is detectable but overall is still rather sweet and drinkable in my opinion.

7.30pm: Juice 5 – Go! Coco

Ingredients: Coconut, Chia Seeds
Love the taste of this juice – it is the best thus far! Coconut water is soo refreshing and thirst quenching!

9.30pm: VERY HUNGRY!

I feel so empty. Hence had Juice 6 – Go! Nuts.
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Juice 6 – Go! Nuts
Ingredients: Almond, Cashew, Medjool Dates and Filtered Water
Tasted pretty diluted but I was surprised that I could drink the entire bottle as I heard that my fellow blogger friend who underwent the same programme threw up after drinking this.
Perhaps I was too hungry *LOL*

10.30pm: Went Nuts after Juice 6

I lost it. I had Campbell’s Vegetable Soup.
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
I cheated. I drank Campbell’s Vegetable Soup. Its vegetarian.
The moment the soup glided down my throat and reaches my tummy.. Awww that feeling of satisfaction was indescribable! Hence I could finally crawl into bed without having nightmares afterwards 😀

17 April 2015 – Day 2

Juices labelled with GREEN Stickers 😀

10.30am: Juice 1 – Go! Morning

Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Juice 1 – Go Morning!
Ingredients: Celery, Cucumber, Lettuce, Green Pepper, Pear and Lemon
Had a good night’s sleep and hence woke up late.
Stay strong!!
Out of the 6 ingredients, Celery and Green Pepper are the most hated by Sweetie Muffin *LOL*
Anyways, my tastebuds are not as picky when it comes to liquid diets *Chuckles*
The celery taste was bearable in my opinion.

12.30pm: Juice 2 – Go! Beautiful

Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Juice 2 – Go! Beautiful
Ingredients: Orange, Carrot, Tomato and Chia Seeds
Tasted great! Am so gonna feel be-youtiful after this drink!

1.30pm: Went Digio

Went to the bridal boutique for gown-fitting.

3.30pm: Juice 3 – Go! Fresh

Ingredients: Kale, Spinach, Lettuce, Green Apple, Red Apple and Lime
OK, I hate kale but I’m impressed that the other ingredients managed to mask the yucky taste of kale somehow 🙂

5pm: Juice 4 – Go! Tropical

Ingredients: Celery, Cucumber, Pineapple and Green Apple
Pineapple ~ Awwwww
How sweet and refreshing!

7pm: Cheated AGAIN

Had some hot piping tomato soup broth prepared by Sweetie Muffin 🙂
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Sweetie Muffin’s Tomato Soup Broth was FANTASTIC!

8pm: Juice 5 – Go! Coco Twist

Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Juice 5 – Go! Coco Twist
Ingredients: Coconut and Lime
Oh how I love the zesty lime added into the refreshing coconut water! Ate half an apple prepared by Sweetie Muffin as well. I think he was afraid that I might just faint from hunger anytime :p

9.20pm: Juice 6 – Go! Nuts

Ingredients: Almond, Cashew, Medjool Dates and Filtered Water
Nuts drink tasted even more diluted than day 1’s although its the same concoction 🙁
Overall still drinkable – in fact I finished the entire bottle.

18 April 2015 – FINAL DAY!

Juices labelled with BROWN Stickers.

7am: Rise and Shine! Not really.

Woke up super duper early for manicure appointment and had Juice 1 – Let’s Go!
Ingredients: Kale, Spinach, Lettuce, Cucumber, Green Apple, Red Apple and Lime
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Packed my juices to go off to the manicurist’s

8am: Melting!

Almost melted under the blazing hot morning sun whilst trying to locate the manicurist’s residence 🙁
Started to have dizzy spells..
Soaked in my perspiration at the bus stop without a single bus in sight near Bishan? IRIS, you suck big time with your bus prediction timings ;(
Crossed the overhead bridge THRICE because I alighted at the wrong bus stop *GEEZ*
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
The bane of my life – Overhead Bridges!
Only managed to reach at the manicurist’s at 8.30am.

11.30am: Done with Manicure

Headed home.

12.20pm: Juice 2 – Go! Herb

Ingredients: Cucumber, Celery, Carrot, Lemon and Basil
Tasted pretty bitter due to celery and basil content but surprising still bearable thanks to the sweetness of orange in the concoction.

1pm: Cheated

Campbell’s Soup has become my best friend.
After the stressful morning with the manicure.. I needed some comfort food. Hence I condoned my cheating 😀
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Legitimate Cheating LOLs

2pm: Juice 3 – Go! Zest

Ingredients: Cucumber, Pineapple, Pear and Lemon
Sweetie Muffin commented that it tasted weird but overall drinkable still.
Yeah he loves to steal a few sips of my juice… *Face-Palm*

4pm: Juice 4 – Go! Scrub

Repeating Day 1’s concoction if you failed to realise.
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Go! Scrub

6pm: Juice 5 – Go! Coco

Loving it!
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Go! Coco

8pm: Juice 6 – Go! Nuts

I wonder why am I made to drink Go! Nuts consecutively for THREE evenings.
But heck it, cuz I’m finally DISCHARGED from this juice programme!!!

My Experience

I felt super duper relieved once I have completed the juice cleanse programme.
Both Sweetie Muffin and I loved the Go! Coco Juice lots.
Juice Cleansing with Juice Up
Our favourite Go! Coco
I think we would still wanna purchase this juice on a standalone basis if we are not doing a juice cleanse because it tasted oh so refreshing!
I think Juice Cleansing doesn’t make me feel significantly better but at least the annoying bloating was reduced during the process because I do not have much solid food digesting in my stomach which produces unnecessary gas I guessed?
Also, I felt a lot lighter after the juice programme.
However, the downside of drinking too much juice is the staining of teeth. So do remember to rinse your mouth after drinking each bottle so as to flush out the remaining residues from your mouth 😀

I do not think that I can survive by drinking juices alone and hence I resorted to cheating which worked better for me because I wouldn’t be ‘hallucinating’ myself eating delicacies as much when the hunger pangs attacked me 🙂


Howdy! Juice Up has decided to give my readers a 10% OFF all their juices.

Simply quote my name “ALDORA” to enjoy these perks!

So do join the fun in juice cleansing and experience it for yourself!
Have fun, juice on lovelies!

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 photo rabbit1.gif

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