Lush Aesthetics Pte Ltd - Fat Freezing Review


 Sick and tired of those stubborn bulges on your body that no amount of exercise and dieting can get rid of? The only way out seemed to be liposuction.. But.. no longer!

 Here’s a new technology for you to try – Fat Freezing MD.

I was very honoured that LUSH Aesthetics Pte Ltd has sponsored a fat freezing session for me to experience this new slimming technique.

 Located within Tanglin Shopping Centre, I actually hailed a cab down to the venue as it was not located very near Orchard MRT Station.

 LUSH Aesthetics Pte Ltd

19 Tanglin Road,
#06-11 Tanglin Shopping Centre
Singapore 247909
Tel: 6737 4964
Operating Hours:
Weekdays, 11:30 – 20:30
Saturdays and Public Holidays, 10:00 – 19:00
Closed on Sundays


According to the brochure information provided, Fat Freeze MD uses controlled calling to target and crystallise fat cells.

The crystallised fat cells gradually die off and are naturally eliminated from the body.

In approximately 3 – 6 months following treatment, the remaining fat cells condense, reducing the fat layer.

Fat Freeze MD works on stubborn fat in the below problem areas:

1. Chest

2. Flanks

3. Stomach

4. Upper Back

5. Lower Back

6. Inner Thighs


Lush Aesthetics Pte Ltd - Fat Freezing ReviewArrival @ LUSH Aesthetics


Lush Aesthetics Pte Ltd - Fat Freezing Review

 As per the standard procedure, I was given a form to fill-up upon arrival to help the consultant understand my body condition if I have underwent a similar slimming treatment and whether I have any allergies etc.

Lush Aesthetics Pte Ltd - Fat Freezing Review
Private Consultation

 I was ushered into the consultation room where I had a brief chat with the consultant.

The procedure sounded pretty effortless and in fact it is a non-surgical treatment that freezes stubborn fat. The amazing part is that no needles, special diet and supplements are required. Not to mention that there is little to no downtime after the procedure.

In short, Fat Freeze MD is a safe and FDA-approved technology for effective body contouring.


Lush Aesthetics Pte Ltd - Fat Freezing Review
A Sneak-Peak into the treatment room
The treatment room was rather crammed as the salon did not occupy a lot of floor space.
Lush Aesthetics Pte Ltd - Fat Freezing Review
Fat Freeze MD Machine

Firstly, a piece of wet tissue like substance (called membrane) was placed at the targeted area to prevent frost bite (I think).

 Next, the machine was applied on my tummy and I could feel my belly fats being sucked into the translucent plastic container which was termed as “cup”.

Lush Aesthetics Pte Ltd - Fat Freezing Review
Suction of Belly Fats

 By the way, these “cups” come in various sizes to cater to different body parts. I took a bigger cup as my tummy occupies a bigger surface area in my body. All that eating and food blogging has been nasty to my tummy and I am sad to admit that I have muffin top 🙁

I felt the skin in my tummy being tugged when the suction was activated however everything was back to normal after I got used to the suction.

Lush Aesthetics Pte Ltd - Fat Freezing Review
 Then, the machine was activated and my fats were frozen.

 According to the consultant, the Fat Freeze MD treatment on the average takes 30 minutes on arms (they have less fats), and 50 minutes on the other body parts.

 The entire treatment was painless and fuss-free as I continued to play my iPhone and check my Instagram throughout.

Lush Aesthetics Pte Ltd - Fat Freezing Review
Believe it or not: A cup FULL of my belly fats!!!
 After the timer rang, the machine was deactivated and my tummy fats were released from the suction cup. My tummy felt numb as I could feel that my “meat” was in a frozen state as condensation occurred on the surface of my stomach.. It felt weird to have ‘frozen meat’ on my own body and my tummy felt icy cold! It took approximately half an hour to ‘thaw’ my frozen tummy ok?
Lush Aesthetics Pte Ltd - Fat Freezing Review
O Hail my Frozen Belly!!

 I was told to drink 2 litres of water everyday in order to facilitate the toxins and unwanted fats to be flushed out from my body.

The results would be more visible after 3-6 months after treatment.

To be honest, I couldn’t feel much of a difference immediately after the treatment – perhaps I might need to monitor the effects over a prolonged period and force myself to drink more water as I do not have the habit of drinking water regular and hence resulting in a bloated belly 🙁

The good part about doing the treatment on my tummy is that there are no bruise marks as my skin is rather thick around that area 🙂 I think if I were to do the treatment on my arms, I might have some bruises on them and I wouldn’t be able to wear sleeveless clothing for some time haha..


 Yay! The most anticipated segment is here where I reward my loyal readers to perks 🙂

 Quote my name “ALDORA” to enjoy the Fat Freeze MD treatment with LUSH Aesthetics Pte Ltd from SGD98/cup and SGD188 for two cups*!

 Happy fat freezing 🙂

*Note: Different cup size cost differently. It would be best to check with the consultant on what sizes are required for your condition.


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