True Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash Extensions

True Eyelash Beauty Advertorial

我有[睫毛]了!I finally have EYELASHES!!

As a typical Asian, my eyelashes were NEVER once long and thick. In fact they are super sparse, short and pointing downwards 🙁 Hence I am so glad that True Eyelash Beauty has the solution for my eyes!

True Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash Extensions
A long time ago.. In fact, its just a few days back. Can you even SEE my eyelashes?
True Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash Extensions
I had to apply monochrome filter to this picture to show you my almost non-existent short lashes ;(

And.. The best part is that I’m too lazy to apply mascara and falsies to enhance my eyes although I know that it can make a huge difference to how I look.

Hence you seldom see me posting photos of myself as I looked like crap. In fact these 2 years of food blogging has taken a toil on my body. I’m not inflicted by any ailments yet but I could see that I have gained a lot of weight and losing my figure as my metabolism rate decreases after my mid-twenties (yes, I am NOT that young).


I need to regain my confidence (although I’m off the shelf) so that I can start wearing chio clothing again! I felt so shitty when I see others rocking the now-trendy crop tops and I what I see in front of the mirror is a MUFFIN top.


Therefore, you will see me posting lesser and lesser on FOOD – I’ve been declining media invites that are food related unless they are too hard to resist anyway.

BTW, my bestie’s wedding is during the long weekends of National Day and we’ll be flying off to the sunny island ~ Sabah to grace her beach wedding hehehe! As a lazy vain pot, I wanted to travel light and yet look pretty ~ thus I was glad when True Eyelash Beauty sponsored me with their ultra natural-looking strand-by-strand eyelash extensions *YAYY*

True Eyelash Beauty is operated by Taiwanese and is located conveniently in Bugis Cube (just opposite Bugis Junction). They specialise in Eyelash Extensions but they do offer other beauty services like Korean Eyebrow / Eyeliner Embroidery as well.

True Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash Extensions
A photo with the beauty consultant who did my eyelashes ~ she is so gorgeous and vibrant!!
True Eyelash Beauty 真美睫时尚概念
Bugis Cube #05-15
Singapore 188735
Tel: 8651 9067
 It was my FIRST time extending my eyelashes and I tried the Strand by Strand True Black Diamond Eyelash Extensions (150 strands lash extensions with 70 degrees curl and 12mm length) for a start as I do not wear very heavy make-up and I do not want overly long eyelashes to poke my spectacles when I’m not wearing my contact lens.

 The entire process was painless, fuss-free and lasted for less than an hour as I stepped out of the salon with a full set of fluttery eyelashes!

 My consultant applied a protective coating onto my eyelashes after doing the extension to help them last longer on my eyes and I was told not to wet my eyelashes for the following 4 hours to allow the glue to dry completely. Also, I have to take extra care when washing my face and not drench my entire face in water when I’m in the shower ~ hence I have to wash my face with a facial sponge instead 🙂

True Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash Extensions
Soft-Bristled Brush + Compressed Facial Sponge

 The best part was that they gave me a short-bristled brush and compressed facial sponge after the extension! It felt so novel to comb my eyelashes with the brush as my natural eyelashes were too sparse to be combed. And.. The compressed facial sponge actually inflates itself when drenched in water!

True Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash Extensions
Thy inflated Facial Sponge ~ I was so AMAZED !!!

 Cutting the long chase short – below are my AFTER photos for you to adore and admire ~

True Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash ExtensionsTrue Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash Extensions


True Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash ExtensionsTrue Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash Extensions

Can you see how those lashes frame my eyes?! I can just step out of my house to take #OOTD shots soo effortlessly!

SG50 Promo + Readers’ Benefits

True Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash ExtensionsAfter reading my long rant above and seeing my LASHES, you might be tempted to try this out right?! True Eyelash Beauty has launched their SG50 Promotion as below:

SG50 Promo (July – August 2015)

 Strand By Strand 

True Black Diamond Eyelash Extension

 Light Natural @ S$59 (UPS$70)

Natural @ S$89 (UP S$105)

Elegant @ S$119 (UP S$140)

Barbie @ S$149 (UP S$175)

Mesmerizing @ S$179 (UP S$210)

True Volume-Up Extension (50% off)

500 lashes @ S$150 (UP S$300)

600 lashes @ S$180 (UP S$360)

700 lashes @ S$210 (UP S$420)

800 lashes @ S$240 (UP S$480)

 Touch-Up (min 50 lashes) within 1 week (50% off)

~ applicable only to eyelashes that have at least 50% remaining from previous session


Semi-Permanent Embroidery Services by Peggy

*No pain, No Bleeding* Including 3 touch-up sessions ~ lasts for 2-3 years.

 3D Eyebrow Embroidery @ $640 (UP S$1,280)

3D Upper Eyeliner @ S$390 (UP S$780)

3D Lower Eyeliner @ S$240 (UP S$480)

Readers’ Benefits

True Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash Extensions
Something for YOU 🙂
Simply quote my name “ALDORA” to enjoy more discounts in addition to the ones mentioned above!!

[Media Invite] Llaollao @ Suntec

Despite me saying that I need to watch my diet, I accepted the media invite to Llaollao’s biggest franchise in Singapore @ Suntec City the next day after my lash extensions!
I woke up with my full set of lash extensions intact and applied light make-up and I left my house within 30 minutes as the event was held at 10am in the morning *Yawns*
[Media Invite] Llaollao @ Suntec
It was soo good to meet so many other instagramers and instababes from this event and I knew I could never ever say NO to Llaollao as it was my favourite yogurt!
[Media Invite] Llaollao @ Suntec
Equipped with a vast array of fruits toppings and sauces @ Llaollao Suntec 🙂
[Media Invite] Llaollao @ Suntec
Satisfied with my Sanum 🙂
[Media Invite] Llaollao @ Suntec
A Sanum a Day, Keeps me smiling all day 🙂
[Media Invite] Llaollao @ Suntec
S A N U M | 你一定要
The froyo texture is creamy and rich ~ comparable or even equivalent to 313 Somerset’s and Wisma Atria’s Llaollao! Hence do check them out when you happen to be in Suntec ok?
Llaollao Suntec
Suntac City Mall, Tower 5
Also, I had a sample packet of Chia Seeds from Super Life Co. which was passed on to us during the media invite @ Llaollao Suntec and I simply sprinkled it onto my overnight oats – shall share with you my overnight oats recipe shortly ~


[Media Invite] Llaollao @ Suntec
Chia Seeds + Overnight Oats = Indulgence 🙂
Finally, ending off my super long-winded blog post with my selfie and long lashes ~


True Eyelash Beauty, Bugis Cube - Eyelash Extensions
THANKS all, for your unwavering support to my blog ~

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