Health and Beauty: Extreme Dieting for Weight Loss
arlier on, I have done a blog post on my juice cleansing experience and it wasn’t so helpful in losing fats although it helps to detox a little. I learnt about this Lemonade Diet via Christina during our media tasting @ Sunrise Bistro and Bar earlier on. She looks very slender and pretty and nobody would’ve imagined that she has an 11 year old boy and her zodiac sign is Rabbit as well just that she is one cycle older than myself!
When asked, Christina gladly shared with me her secret for staying youthful and pretty — the Lemonade Diet which is adapted from Master Cleanse 🙂 She used to be very chubby since young and this diet helped herself and her hubby in losing weight and stay in shape. Hence I decided to give this a try although it would mean a lot of self-discipline at my end.
Lemonade Diet
The Lemonade Diet involves eating nothing for a period of 4 days and drinking only the lemonade concoction with water.Ingredients include:
#1 Lemon
Lemon |
Essentially, the proportion is one lemon to 2L of water. You might want to use organic lemons for your diet as the lemonade serves as a detox agent to cleanse your body system.
#2 Honey
Honey |
Needless to say, pure honey would be used. Honey helps your body to feel ‘fuller’ throughout the diet process and curbs your appetite.
For a boost, I added a teaspoonful of Manuka Honey into my lemonade as well 🙂
#3 Cayenne Pepper
Masterfoods Cayenne Pepper |
The key ingredient in this mixture would be Cayenne Pepper as it is the agent which helps to burn fats in your body.
MasterFoods Cayenne Pepper |
Lemonade Diet – How To:
Lemonade Concoction |
#3: Grate some lemon skin and add into the jug – the oil from lemon skin helps to neutralise the acidity of the lemon juice
#2: Add honey into the lemon juice – I added quite a fair bit of honey into the mixture so that it wouldn’t taste too sour
#3: Add Cayenne Pepper – do note that the pepper is extra hot. So add at your own discretion and depending on your tolerance to spiciness. Now that the concoction is ready, be ready to sip the mixture for the next 4 days (2L per day) together with plain water.
The first 2 days of the diet is to burn the existing food remnants within our body and the actual fat burning process begins on the third day onwards.
Our Lemonade Diet Experience
Both Sweetie Muffin and myself decided to experiment with this diet as it claims to improve skin texture and reduce dark eye circles besides weight loss.
Our Starting Weight
I started off at 46.5kg |
Muffin started off at 61.9kg |
Day 1
I woke up at 11am and hence wasn’t feeling too hungry to begin with the diet. The taste was OK although Muffin complained that it tasted sour.
At 9pm, I started to feel a little hungry and hence i CHEATED – I drank cereals so that I can sleep better. Muffin claimed that the mixture actually kept him feeling full for the day and I was very impressed!
However at 11pm, I saw somebody preparing cup noodles in the kitchen and.. that somebody was none other than Muffin! He said he was VERY HUNGRY.
OK, so day 1 is a flop for him then.
Day 2
Still going strong for me on the second day.
We drank the concoction for the entire day.
However as lunch approaches, I could feel hunger and the desire to eat 🙁
I withheld my cravings till 8pm and succumbed with another cup of cereals.
As for the Muffin, he ate an entire mooncake for dinner!
Day 3
Morning is usually fine for me. My tummy became significantly flatter due to starvation.
The hunger pangs approached me again during lunch. I’m starting to feel weak and tempted when I walk past people who are eating lunch 🙁
Hence I ended my night after drinking another cup of cereals.
Day 4
Started the day high-spirited because it is the LAST DAY of my suffering.
Went to Capitol Piazza with Samantha during lunch time she wanted to go there to collect some samples. Hence we (or rather she) dined at the food court (Palette) there. Their lunch sets looked VERY tempting but.. I settled for a jug of fruit infused water and that cost SGD3. It was stupid but I sat there with a jug of water and practically “survived” lunch drinking that jug of water whilst Samantha was savouring her lunch set 🙁
I was super tempted to order a set lunch as well but withheld back the urge as I touched my flattened belly.
Fine, I ended my night with a cup of cereals.
As for the muffin, he RESUMED normal diet as he forgot to bring his share of the lemonade to the office in the morning. GREAT!
Our Closing Weight
I rushed to the weighing scale straight after shower and was pleased that I lost 1kg!!
Also, my tummy became a lot flatter after the diet 🙂
45.5kg – I lost 1kg!!! |
Although the diet did help me lose 1kg within 4 days, however I do feel reluctant to return to the diet like attempt to do it on a monthly basis because it is simply too painful for me to curb my appetite 🙁 What kept me amazed is that I visited the toilet everyday during that 4 days as I have constipation issues. According to Chris, shitting is normal as I am shitting the food remnants in my body that has been stucked for a long long time. Hence the lemonade helps to flush all these unwanted waste materials out of my body as a result.
Muffin lost 0.5kg although he did not complete the diet!! |
However my tongue turned white for unknown reasons whilst I was on the diet. I think the lemon is still too acidic for my tongue to take and my tastebuds ain’t working well till I exfoliated my tongue with tons of sea salt. I might start to suffer from bad breath due to the white coating on my tongue if left unattended 🙁
For those who are very desperate to lose weight and yet stay alive, perhaps you might want to try this 4 days’ lemonade diet. You can just abort it if it does not work for you – after all it is just 4 days and not the original 40 days according to the original Master Cleanse plan which is insane.
I might still want to attempt this diet maybe after 2 months but with lesser lemon juice hoping that it will work better for my body.
Until then, perhaps I shall enjoy eating real food.
By the way, my tummy has protruded out a bit after I resumed my normal eating *LOL*
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