Battling Urinary Tract Infection

My Experience with Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)


ave you experienced the incessant urge to visit the toilet just a few moments after you have already cleared your bladder? Chances are, you might be down with UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).Most women have contracted UTI at some stage in their lives and the feeling really sucks. I was recently diagnosed with UTI for the very first time in my life and I was really baffled over the initial symptoms experienced.

I woke up one morning with an exploding bladder and rushed to the bathroom to pee as I was too lazy to crawl out of bed to empty my bladder the night before. I began to shudder after peeing and I thought that was because I have withheld my urine for the entire night and hence I shivered after releasing all of them at once.

Disregarding that uneasy sensation, I proceeded to prepare myself for the day and applied my skincare at the dressing table. At that time, I felt the urge to visit the washroom again.. I was puzzled as I have just visited the washroom like 5 minutes ago.

Hence for the second time, I felt the shiver down my spine as I emptied whatever liquid that was within my bladder.

Then, I changed my clothes and again I felt the urge to use the washroom.. It was the same sensation felt just that it felt abnormal and a little sore down there when I emptied my bladder. This time round, the volume pee-ed out was little.

Whilst having my breakfast, I visited the washroom again. Each time, the amount of fluid released decreased to a few drops and it felt more sore and the chill down my spine would never stop.

I told Sweetie Muffin about it and said:

“I think something is wrong with me… I keep wanting to visit the toilet…”

“Then just visit the toilet lah!”

“But everytime I visit I feel the shudders”

“That is because you controlled your pee for the entire night mah.. You will be fine after a while one lah..”

“What if I feel like pee-ing on my way to work?”

“There are many public toilets out there.”

I guess you guys must’ve felt my frustration when I was conversing with the not so Sweet Muffin. It felt as if I was talking to a box of Chicken McNuggets. I wonder why guys are just not so sensitive to their wives’ feelings and behave as if nothing has happened when something grave has happened *Tsk*

So I was super pissed off and departed to work in frustration. I visited the toilet when I reached the MRT and another time when I reached my office.

During my journey to work, I googled on my condition by searching “urge to urinate after urinated”. The results were somewhat pointing towards having bladder stones, cysts, UTI and sex (strangely).

I dared not drink a drop of water for the entire morning for fear that I might simply wet my pants and for the sixth time I visited the washroom, I detected BLOOD in my urine. I knew it wasn’t menstrual blood but blood from somewhere else as I felt the pain level increased as I urinated – I did not have much fluids to urinate as I have not been drinking water.

Feeling very perplexed, I messaged my besties in our group chat and it happened that both Tracy and Samantha had contracted UTI before! They affirmed that the symptoms I have experienced were similar to UTI and advised me to drink lots of water to flush out the toxins. Hence that was when I tried to drink water and the next visit to the washroom was not as sore and no visible blood was spotted.

I rushed to the panel clinic during lunch time to visit the doctor. The doctor took my urine sample and had it tested immediately and diagnosed me with UTI. The cause of my illness was due to controlled urine. He granted me half day’s medical leave and I was prescribed with antibiotics and some medication to ease the pain for the next 5 days. Was also told to drink plentiful of water for speedy recovery.

Battling Urinary Tract Infection
Medicine Prescribed to me – Neociprofloxacin and Urispas


Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI):

1. Urge to Urinate after Urinating even though little fluid gets emptied overtime you urinate

2. Pain / pressure in your lower back or abdomen

3. An aching / burning sensation when you urinate

4. Abnormal stench in urine

5. Blood spotted in urine or the colour of the urine is unusually cloudy / dark

6. Fever or chills (an indication that the infection might have reached your kidneys)

Causes of Urinary Tract Infection:

1. Controlled Urine
Yes, in my case it is caused by controlling my urine due to my reluctance to crawl out of bed.

2. Poor hygiene practices 
UTI is often contracted by women as they have shorter urethras (a tube which transports urine from bladder)

Remember to wipe from front to back after using the bathroom and not the other way round as the faeces from the anus might be swiped to the urethra in the process and bacteria from faeces can travel to the bladder and cause infection to it. It can even infect the kidneys if left untreated!

Further to the above, you might also want to start using Feminine Hygiene Products on your intimate areas to prevent infection – read about my recommendation for V-Mina Feminine Hygiene Products HERE.

3. Sex
Yes, sex is also another factor. Especially for perverse people who practice anal sex.

Its the same theory as wiping from back to front with the toilet paper lah ~ chances of the bacteria from the poop going into the urethra and causing the infection are higher. So if you want to poke, please poke at the correct places yup. Nobody will wanna kena sai (means to literally be in deep shit in the Hokkien dialect) at the urethra because UTI really hurts!


Thinking that the half day would not make much of a difference and that me having to visit the washroom during the journey home simply irks me. Hence I went back to work whilst sipping from a huge bottle of water and continued with my visits to the washroom.

Unfortunately, I had a team meeting that afternoon and that lasted for approximately half an hour which I had a damn difficult time to withhold my urge to visit the washroom as it would just be so embarrassing. I flew out of the meeting room once the meeting has ended and again the painful sensation was back and I was bleeding again ;(

Hence I had problems controlling my urination for the entire day. The feeling of not being able to control the uncontrollable simply sucks. However, things started to get better after taking the medication and I was pretty much back to normal on the second day just that I still have to continue with my water intake.

Lessons learnt from my Urinal Tract Infection episode are:

– Do not drink too much water before bedtime 
I will always 憋尿 when I’m too lazy to get out from my bed when I am half asleep.

– Do not control my urine unnecessarily 
I am selective whenever it comes to public toilets especially when I’m overseas. Hence I would limit my water intake and wait till I’m back at the hotel or a shopping mall before visiting the toilet

– Never get upset easily because it is simply not helping in any way 
Getting worked up over Chicken McNuggets is simply not the way – no point drinking poison myself and hoping he will die right? He wouldn’t even know that I was even upset with him anyways.

– Being healthy begins with me
I must take control of my life and stay healthy.

– I am not alone 
I have my friends and family who are concerned about me during the period when I was unwell. Sweetie Muffin offered to visit the doctor with me after learning that I urinated blood but I declined his offer as I have already visited the doctor earlier.

I do hope that you guys can learn more about UTI from my experience and do not panic when you experienced similar symptoms as myself. Just keep calm and start drinking lots of water and visit the washroom as and when you feel the urge to.

Lastly, do stay healthy till we meet again 🙂







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