Tasty Green Curry using Matcha Latté
Hello everybody! Today I’ll be sharing a recipe on how to prepare Green Curry using a healthier method – i.e. without Coconut Milk. This recipe is inspired by Christina (Instagram: @fatwithin) who is super innovative in creating healthy dishes using wholesome foods.
I’ll be replacing Coconut Milk with Matcha Latté. Christina purchased her Matcha Latté from Matchaya Sg but out of convenience, I’ll be using the instant Matcha Latté from Cold Storage instead.
– Matcha Latté (I used 3 sachets of the instant powder and mixed it in a bowl of hot water)
– Dr. Bronner’s Magic “All-One” Whole Kernel Coconut Oil (you can order yours from Nature’s Glory, an online store for your organic needs)
– Lemon Rind
– Neem Leaves / Curry Leaves
– Chopped Garlic
– A Dash of Sea Salt
– Ground Tumeric
– Cayenne Pepper for spiciness
– Basil Leaves
As you see that I’m a pretty straightforward person, I did simply added the quantities according to my liking 😀
How To: Green Matcha Curry
Heat up a tablespoonful of Coconut Oil in a pot. The Coconut Oil will smell very fragrant and sweet when heated up.
Then, I threw in some chopped garlic together with a pinch of sea salt and sauté it till golden brown.
Sauté Chopped Garlic till golden brown |
Next, I tossed in some Ground Tumeric powder for some flavour.
Toss in the Ground Tumeric Powder |
Next, pour in the Matcha Latté and allow the mixture to boil.
Pour Matcha Latté and allow mixture to simmer |
Next, I tossed in the washed neem leaves for flavour.
Tossing in the neem leaves into the boiling mixture |
Lastly, garnish the mixture with basil leaves.
Garnish the Green Matcha Curry with Basil Leaves |
And we’re DONE!
Oh yes, I poured the Green Matcha Curry over Salmon which I previously cooked with my Philips Airfryer.
Preparing the salmon is effortless as I simply sprinkled some Basil Leaves over thawed salmon and tossed it into my trusty Philips Airfryer to bake for 12 minutes over 200 degrees.
Pairing Green Matcha Curry with Salmon is simply AWESOME |
The Green Matcha Curry and Salmon combination is simply delicious!
I had a satisfying meal and recommend you guys to try out this innovative recipe!!!
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