Battle of the KFC Wings - Umadare & Yang Yeum Wings

{Sponsored Post} Battle of the EAST

 Needless to mention, Kentucky Fried Chicken Management Pte Ltd (better known as KFC) is an established fast food brand in both Singapore and Malaysia. It’s famous slogan: “Finger Lickin’ Good” was introduced to refer to their signature fried chicken prepared with their unique recipe which makes their consumers want to lick their fingers whilst savoring their fried chicken.
Singaporean youths are very much influenced by the trends from Japan and Korea and hence KFC has launched their freshly breaded juicy wings in Umadare and Yang Yeum flavours targeted at the youth clout.
Depending on whether you are a supporter of Japanese culture or Korean culture, KFC has all the flavors to satisfy your palate – be it the tangy yet savory Umadare (Jap-inspired) or the sweet and spicy Yang Yeum (Korean-inspired).

Battle of the KFC Wings Contest

 You get to prove your allegiance to either one of the flavors by voting via your social media platform.
Firstly you post a photo / video of yourself after trying the KFC Wings on Instagram, then hashtag #kfcoishii or #kfcmashisoyo in your post depending on which flavour you are supporting.
ONE lucky winner will be chosen from the winning flavour to win a prize.
To spice things up, you can start saying ‘oiishi‘ or ‘mashisoyo‘ in your video whilst eating the wings.

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The Umadare and Yang Yeum Wings are retailing at almost all KFC outlets island-wide at below prices:
– A la Carte 4 pcs Wings sold at S$4.90 per set. The 4 pcs Wings are also available in a Rice Bento Set with rice, side salad, and the new 7Up Lemon Mint Drink, priced at S$6.90

Promotion is NOT available at KFC Sentosa and Singapore Zoo.Please visit for full details of the promotion 🙂


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